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A/N: This chapter contains a sex scene, if you don't want to read that, skip the part between the lines. I don't want trouble with Wattpad...


Beca's point of view

I've been here for a while now and I can't get my head clear. Images of Chloe are haunting me, especially here. Maybe I shouldn't have come here, but on the other hand, this was our home. I still can't believe Chloe would cheat on me with Chicago. The only person who tried to take Chloe away from me three times. Chloe always thought highly of him because of his goal to serve the country, but I never thought she would go this far.

I know Chloe was drunk and that Chicago took advantage of her, but it still hurts. I know I shouldn't stay mad at Chloe anymore, but I can't help it. I need to know why she chooses him. I need to know why Chicago out of all the men.

Now I'm sitting behind my old desk, writing a song about Chloe. I mean, when am I not writing songs about Chloe? My whole songbook is full of songs meant for Chloe. Not only angry ones but also love ones. I haven't let Chloe hear one of those love songs, first I wanted to hurt her just as much as she has hurt me and I succeeded, but to say it has given me a happy feeling, no. I let myself be blinded and hurt the woman I love.

My feelings are a mess. I feel betrayed, hurt, angry, and sad. Betrayed by people that used to love me, hurt by Chloe, angry because of Chicago who used Chloe, and sad because Ryan isn't mine. I can never be mad at children, but seeing him next to Chloe and Chicago broke my heart. And the fact that Chloe didn't stop me from walking away all those months ago.

I look at the lyrics that I've written so far. How does it sound? I'm all by myself, so nobody would hear a thing. It's completely safe to sing out loud, just to hear how it sounds. I start reading and singing the lyrics.

You said you loved me, I said I loved you back

What happened to that? What happened to that?

All your promises and all the plans we had

What happened to that? What happened to that?

I feel a tear stream down my cheek and quickly wipe it away before the teardrops on the songbook ruin my song. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I'm not in the mood for visitors!

,,Go away!" The person who knocked doesn't listen, because the door opens.

,,Becs?" I look up from my desk, mixed with emotions. I'm happy to hear Chloe's voice and then confusion takes over but the main emotion is anger. It takes over my whole body. ,,I came to see you."

,,Get out!" I say but Chloe doesn't leave. I can hear the door close and then Chloe's voice again.

,,Becs, we have to talk."

,,I don't want to talk to you. I don't even want to look at you. Come to think of it, I don't ever want to see you again."

,,Give me a chance to explain my side of things." I see Chloe walking over towards me.

,,What is there to explain? I can see everything perfectly clear."

,,No. There are things that you don't know." I can hear Chloe taking a deep breath before continuing. ,,You have every right to be angry with me." I glare at Chloe now.

,,I'm not asking you for your permission."

,,I know that you hate me."

,,Hate you? How dare you?! You know I can never hate you, no matter what you do. I just don't understand why it had to be him. Why Chlo? Were you in love with him the whole time? Were you just pretending to love me?"

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now