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Chloe has my hand in her hand, dragging me towards our cabin. We won karaoke with our song "Titanium" and I know Chloe's turned on right now. I can't blame her because I'm also turned on right now. Once inside our cabin, I close the door, and right away Chloe pushes me against it. She starts kissing me senselessly. It's heated and we're pulling at each other's clothes, taking them off, leaving us only in our underwear. I push her onto the bed and start to have my way with her.

,,Oh, you're so wet for me." I say, whispering in Chloe's ear and she swallows hard.

,,I love you." She tells me over and over again, her mouth leaving all kinds of moans and I love that sound.

,,I love you too." I go inside her underwear with my hand, feeling the wetness, and smirk. I don't hesitate before placing my fingers on the place where Chloe wants me to most and she bites her lip in the sexiest way. She starts moaning again when I start to rub over her clit and she gets even wetter.

,,Please Becs." She pleases me and I know exactly what she means.

,,At your service." I tell her and kiss her deeply before putting two fingers inside her. She pushes her legs a little out so I have more room to work.

,,I'm close, I'm gonna - Oh!" She can't even say anything properly anymore, but I don't mind.

,,Let it go, cum for me." I demand and I feel her whole body shocking when she comes. I retreat my hand out of her underwear and start licking all my fingers while looking her seductively in her eyes. It turns her on even more and before I know it, she flips us over. Suddenly another lightning flash is seen and I stiffen. ,,It's getting closer."

,,Becs, it's going to be okay. I'm here." She says to calm me down and it works. I pull her closer so she can kiss me. Ignoring the thunder, she starts to do the same to me what I did to her and it ends with me screaming her name. We keep lying like this and I swoon a little as she kisses me again. A thunder strike distracts us, startling me. Oh, I hate thunder! ,,Wow, that one was really close." I tell Chloe and feel stressed immediately.

,,Relax." Chloe says and kisses me. ,,We're going to be fine." Then suddenly without warning, the cabin flips upside down. We're thrown off the bed into the upside cabin as the deck becomes the ceiling. I land on the other side of the cabin, while Chloe is lying behind the bed. I look into Chloe's eyes and reach my hand out to her.

,,Chloe." Chloe moves to reach for my hand when something breaks and water is rising. The ice-cold water hits my half-naked body, pulling me in. I scream and then end up in the cold water, but not without hearing Chloe calling out to me. The current takes me with it and I feel my lungs getting full with water. I try to swim up to catch my breath but the current won't let me. My body feels heavy like I can't breathe. I'm floating. Suddenly a small box catches my eye and I swim towards it. I grab the box and close my hand around it as I use all the strength in my body to swim up. I take a deep breath when I come out of the water. ,,Help!" I scream, hoping someone will hear me. ,,Help!" I scream again if the current tries to take me back down into the water. I look over the water and see the ship sink and I can hear Chloe screaming my name. ,,Chloe!" I try but I know she can't hear me because of the rain that's falling and I'm way too far from the ship by now. I see something floating and swim towards it. I quickly see that it's a piece of a door. Immediately I climb on it and lay on my back, the ring still closed in my hand. I look up to the sky as one word slips my mouth in a small whisper: ,,Chloe." And after that, I close my eyes.

I wake up screaming and with sweat dripping from my body. I could say I'm used to it by now because I'm dreaming about it every night but it never gets easy. Yes, I survived because the piece of door floated to that island. I survived because of Matthew who was stranded on the island too, but I never thought that after three years, I'll still be haunted by the memories. I get out of bed and walk into the living room, where Wyatt is still awake watching a football game on the TV. I'm staying at Wyatt's again, because of the apartment. I got the call from Matthew's friend that my bid was accepted and that the apartment was mine. I did cancel my hotel room immediately. Staying at Wyatt for one more night is the best thing because my new apartment is close to Wyatt's apartment and I get a whole week to decorate.

,,Can't sleep?" Wyatt asks me.

,,I don't do well with my eyes closed. Thanks for letting me stay here."

,,Of course, you're my sister. Don't worry about Chloe or your friends. They won't find out that you're living here."

,,Thanks for understanding."

,,You know, not a day went by that I didn't miss you."

,,Yeah? Well it's obvious that Chloe wasn't so happy to see me."

,,That's because Chloe moved on. She has a child to take care of. She forgot about you, unlike me." Wyatt looks at me.

,,It's nice to see that someone still cares about me, even tho you've changed a little bit."

,,I care a lot about you, sis. I never stopped believing in you. I always believed that you were still alive and I tried to persuade Chloe and the others to believe too, but they didn't want to hear it. Chloe even told me never to mention your name again, because it hurt too much." I look down for a moment, thinking back to what Emily told me.

,,Is it true that Chloe felt guilty after she had sex with Chicago?"

,,Where did you hear that?"

,,That doesn't matter. Did Chloe feel guilty?"

,,No, she loved it. In fact, after that moment she didn't think twice before having sex with multiply other guys. It's funny to think that she was pregnant all along. She could have fraternal twins right now."

,,Yeah," I can't handle this right now.

,,But you shouldn't think about what that traitor did to you. Try to get some sleep, you're moving tomorrow. Is Serena going to help you?" I nod.

,,In fact, she's sleeping here tonight." I tell my brother, just as there's a knock on the door. ,,She must be here already." I say smiling and see Wyatt turning off the TV.

,,I'll leave you two alone." Wyatt says with a smirk and then disappears into his bedroom. I walk towards the door and open it. I smile widely when I see Serena standing in front of me with her bag, smiling back at me.

,,Hi!" I say excitedly.

,,You're happy to see me." She tells me and laughs. I open the door to let her in.

,,Yeah, well I had a lot of information to process, so a quiet night with my date is a nice ending." I say and Serena hugs me. I close to door and I'm happy to spend the night with Serena with movies and popcorn.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now