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I've been back for ages now, but have only just found the perfect place to live. First I have been staying in a dark and dull one-bedroom apartment, then I moved in with Wyatt, and not so long ago I lived in a hotel room. I like being alone because I can mope around all the time without someone interfering.

I have been looking for a new place for a couple of months but hadn't found the perfect place. Wyatt was kind enough to take me in and I enjoyed it, but now he's changed. He was happy that someone was kicked out of their house. The Wyatt I used to know, never laughed about that. Yes, we both have enough money to live from, but we always saw that as a blessing. We never thought about ourselves as better people than the people with less money.

The fact that I've been able to find this apartment only now, was also because I'm critical. I had so many points on my list. An apartment with a lot of space and two bedrooms was my prior number one on my list. The other thing that was a priority was that I wanted an apartment close to the studio. I wanted to walk toward work and now I can. It's nice that this apartment is close to Central Park too.

Last week I moved in with the help of Serena. She offered to help and I said 'yes', because I wanted to move in quickly. I couldn't live with Wyatt anymore. He was boiling my blood with his comments and the many girls he brought in every night.

Serena convinced me that I should throw a housewarming party. I refused at first because I don't like parties, but eventually, Serena persuaded me. I agreed to the party, but I'm keeping it light. Only a few people are welcome. Obviously, Sutton, Jane, and Emily are coming because they're my colleagues. As for my family, only Wyatt and Kara are coming. Wyatt is bringing my parents with him because I asked him to. Both Wyatt and I haven't contacted them since I'm back. It was my own choice because I wanted to be alone for the last couple of months but I know it's time to see them again.

Kara and Lena are coming too. I'm glad I had the conversation the day before yesterday because I've been thinking about it. Kara told me about that night and how guilty Chloe felt, but that's not what Stacie told me. Did Stacie lie to me? Did Aubrey tell me the truth? Well, half the truth because I don't know much yet.

I listened to Kara and eventually invited her for tonight. Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad at her for siding with Chloe but I miss her. She's still my sister and I can never stay mad at her for very long. I did make Kara, but also Lena promise not to mention Chloe at all tonight and they promised they wouldn't. I appreciate that a lot, because even tho I still love Chloe, Serena and I are becoming closer every day and I really like her.

Speaking of Serena, she can be here any minute now. She's going to help me set up the drinks and snacks, so nobody will be bored tonight. My feelings for Serena become stronger and I can't wait to see her. I smile when I hear the doorbell ringing, knowing it's Serena. I quickly open the door and see her smile at me.

,,Hey, you." She says and holds up a grocery bag.

,,Hey." I step aside. ,,Come in." She thanks me and then walks straight to the kitchen.

,,So, who are coming tonight?"

,,Well, Wyatt is bringing my parents with him. That will be the first encounter with them since I'm back." Serena raises her eyebrows in surprise.

,,Really?" I nod. ,,Why didn't you contact them? Did they betray you as well?"

,,No, they were siding with me. It's just - Whenever I'm heartbroken or sad, I shut out everybody and stay inside all the time. I always turn off my phone until I'm recovered."

,,They are happy to see you, I'm sure of it."

,,Yeah, I hope so." I look down for a small second. ,,Kara is coming too."

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now