Chapter 72- Greatest Show

Start from the beginning

" Wouldn't miss it." He grins like a Cheshire cat.

" I'm starting to feel like that was why you arrived earlier than expected, because you wanted to see me at my lowest."

" Trust me Faye, you wearing a beard singing and dancing isn't your lowest yet." He tells her.

" Oh I'm so psyched up after this pep talk." Faye says with an eye roll.

" Someone poured a milk of sarcasm in her breakfast this morning. Don't worry, it will wear off in an hour." Efua assures him.

Veronica joins them

After a few more banters and bickering, the bell shrills indicating the end of recess.


Saturday was fast approaching. It came with last minute rehearsals and nervousness and Manhattan Dorm 1 Cortess wasn't an exception as Sarah paced up and down the large dorm.

" Relax Sarah, I think you're going to lose your face facepalming every ten seconds." Wathoni stops her.

" Get a hold of yourself." Myria cautions Veronica who was starting to hyperventilate.

" What if I forget my lines?" Sarah asked.

" Or worse what if I freeze, I've never danced in front of a crowd before." Ciarra groans throwing her blanket over herself in bed. She curled herself up in her bed.

" Oh my goodness, they are such babies." Sabina complains from the Emma Bovary book she was reading on her bed.

" Anita do something." Vera turns to their dorm prefect.

" Ok guys. Hear me out, it's normal to feel the pre-performance jitters. It just means that you want to give your best at the show. If not you'll be as nonchalant as Ashanti is because she's probably planning to mess up her performance." She says turning to her school daughter.

Ashanti shot her a smile.

" How do you know?" Efua asked.

" I've known Ashanti for a while now and I know it when she practically doesn't care about something. She does exactly what she's doing." She points at the math textbook Ashanti was solving questions from.

" Gosh she's going to mess it up." Anita groans, " What's the first line of the song?"

Ashanti stared into the atmosphere blank.

" See, she's going to do just that. Get up Ashanti and try recalling the tune."

Ashanti groaned and grabbed her lyric sheet. Efua burst through the dorm and shot Kweiba an insane smile. Kweiba deflated immediately.

''What is going on guys, what's with the faces?'' Candace asked.

'' Justina has a fever so Kweiba is going to be Gabriella for the entire highschool musical 1 and some parts in 3 tonight.'' Efua discloses.

Now Kweiba was seriously hyperventilating. '' I've gotta go to the bathroom.''

'' Hold herback she might never come out.'' Joy laughed and Nalikem who was closest to the door grabbed her.

'' 8 different songs.'' Kweiba shudders.

'' Relax, it's only songs. At least you don't get to act in addition.'' Veronica points out.

'' Dude you know the songs don't you?'' Beullah asked laying her bed.

'' I do but I've never sung to a crowd before, maybe in the shower but not to people.''

'' I seriously can't imagine Kweiba singing and dancing.'' Vera laughed.

'' We recorded voiceovers last week but Justina was the voice, I didn't get to record one which means I have to perform live.'' Kweiba bemoans.

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