Meanwhile, Clara and Adrianna are nearby taking a walk. Clara tells Adrianna that she understands how difficult this situation must be for her but Hector told her the truth proving he had nothing to lie about. Adrianna knows Clara has a point, but still, it's all so difficult. Clara asks her if she loves Hector. Adrianna says that she does. Clara tells her not to let Marianna and her evil plans win, especially since Hector is innocent.

Sometime later,

Antonio watches Gina. She seems less angry than she was then. Aranza knows things are not as usual. She can sense the tension between Antonio and Gina and between Hector and Adrianna. What is going on? She just hopes it's nothing serious because they are her favorite people in the world and they belong together.

Meanwhile, Claudia is in her mansion. She hopes Isabella's plan succeeds because she can't stand to see Gina with her grandson. Claudia does not think Gina is good enough for him.

Meanwhile, Helena is thinking about Aranza. She is just as stubborn and hard-headed as Gabriel was. It will be convenient for her, Carlos and Flavio if Mauricio and Aranza marry, but Aranza was truly her father's daughter.

Later, Antonio and Gina take Emma and Martin to Martin's house then go to Antonio's house. Adrianna and Hector go to his friend's house. Aranza and Aurelio remain at Clara and Ramon's house together with Armando, Luisa, and Anna Patricia.

Sometime later,

Emma asks Martin what happened. He looks at her confused. Emma says that Gina, Antonio, Adrianna, and Hector have all been acting weird for most of the day. Martin says he has no idea. Emma says he is Hector's best friend, so most likely he knows something. Emma is insistent, so Martin relents and tells her. She is shocked. He asks her why she is surprised when Marianna and Isabella have pulled stunts before. Emma says she knew they were a little crazy, but she didn't know they would go that far. He tells her that Hector and Adrianna and Antonio and Gina are strong and will get through it all. He then hugs her and begins to kiss her.

Meanwhile; a little while later, at Hector's friend's house,

Hector watches Adrianna to gauge how much she has calmed down over the scandal with Marianna. He sees that she is much calmer about it. Hector moves near her and tells her that the past two weeks he has spent living with her there have been some of the best moments in his life. He adds that he would not want them to end such a beautiful two weeks on such a bad note. Adrianna agrees but says that what happened is not easy to get over. He says that he understands how she feels, but they should not let Marianna win. She agrees. He moves in and kisses her, and she kisses him back. Hector deepens the kiss, then stops to guide her to his bed, where they continue.

Shortly after at Antonio's,

Antonio watches Gina walk across the room, and go up the stairs. He decides to give her a few minutes. After a few minutes, Gina comes down. He says that they need to talk about what happened with Isabella. Gina says maybe she overreacted but she was afraid he would fall in love with Isabella again. He holds up her chin and says that he would never go back to Isabella. Antonio adds that he loves only her (Gina) and kisses her. Gina kisses him back with equal passion. Antonio reluctantly pulls away and guides her up the stairs, to his room.

On Sunday morning, Hector and Adrianna begin packing, as they leave for Hector, Gina, and Aurelio's house. Alejandro watches them arrive in the house and clenches his fist. He tells himself that it will only be a matter of time before Adrianna is his again. In the afternoon, Aurelio, Armando, and Luisa arrive at Clara and Ramon's house. They find Aranza and Ramon playing chess.

Meanwhile, Isabella and Marianna are in Marianna's house comparing notes over their Friday plans. Isabella says that this is only the beginning. Marianna asks her, what if they are not pregnant. Isabella tells her not to be so glum and negative. She says her plan to sleep with both Horacio and Antonio will increase the chances of her getting pregnant, as will her (Marianna's) plans with Alejandro and Hector. When she sees that Marianna is still unsure of the whole thing, Isabella says that if the plan fails, they will figure something out.

Meanwhile, John is eating his lunch in the garden, the same as a few other patients. He again has the same flashbacks, the flashback of the child with his mother, and then with his grandfather. He then looks around. He asks himself, who those people are.

Monday dawns bright and early. Isabella smirks at Gina, who is trying her best to ignore her. Marianna too is trying to get on Adrianna's nerves. Adrianna goes to the lavatory, and as she is near the mirror, Marianna comes in. Adrianna ignores her, but Marianna has come looking for war. Marianna looks Adrianna over. Adrianna finishes and walks past Marianna. Marianna tells her Hector was wonderful. Adrianna turns and faces her. Marianna says he is quite the generous and attentive lover, then pauses looks Adrianna over, and mockingly apologizes saying obviously she (Adrianna) knows.

Adrianna tells Marianna that if she had nothing, to tell her, she should leave her alone. Marianna looks her over again and says she can't get why Hector is interested in a boring bookworm like her (Adrianna). Marianna smirks as she watches Adrianna flinch. She knows that is a weakness for Adrianna, and it is a weakness that she intends to enjoy pointing out.

Meanwhile, John is in his room at the mental institution. He is holding a small basket of sweets and picks one. Dr. Alves is in the office, with Nurse Rosalia Suarez, John's longtime nurse from the other facility. They are going over John's medical records. Rosalia says that John's recovery, since he met Hector and Gina has been remarkable, but there has not been any progress since he came, towards remembering anything.

Dr. Alves says that a combination of factors, such as the accident that caused the brain damage and memory loss he had and likely emotional trauma caused him to lose his sanity and created a wall, in his memory.

He adds that this was a method of self-defense and ended up creating a complicated mess and it's even a miracle he is getting better after so many years. Rosalia asks him if John will stay in the facility forever. Dr. Alves says that if he continues to make the progress he is making, they may have to release him temporarily, as they monitor his reaction to being in the outside world and how he adapts after being locked up for so long. He adds that if John recovers his sanity, and wants to leave, they cannot legally keep him there.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now