He can eat anything!!! Alice's past!

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Author words (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Just wanted to let you know that I am following the manga, not anime. Words said from manga, not anime because I can't watch them again since I don't have the episodes.

But I can download manga because doesn't take too much space so AHAHAH

Enjoy~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

"Five of you," The man on their ship spoke and took a bite of meat he held on his sword. "Can't be just the five of you," he took a bite of the sword and started crunching it making Alice make a painful face but curiosity still held in her tone.

"Was it good...?" She whispered to the men around making them sweat drop. Was she not scared of them? They slowly moved their guns away from her. Thinking she isn't a threat.

Wrong move.

"Nevermind. I've got a question," The man spoke. Alice looked back towards the man to see that was quite big and had winter clothes and a warm hood on.

"What is that guy? He just ate that knife" Luffy said while grinding his teeth. As if he can feel it in his mouth.

"My mouth hurts just watching him!!!" Usopp exclaimed, gagging. Thinking he is bleeding.

"We want to go to the Drum Kingdom. Do you have an eternal pose or a log pose?" He asked and ate the hilt of the sword as well.

"Insane...." Alice mumbled as the men's sweat dropped, subconsciously nodding before going stiff.

"Nope," Sanji replied, crossing his arms. " And we've never heard of that place either"

"So, if you're done, go away!!" Luffy snapped, wanting to get Nami a doctor faster.

"It's not good to rush through life. If you don't have either of those items, we'll take your treasure and your ship instead" The man replied making Luffy snap at him.


Alice was getting tired of him. "Just a moment, I'm still hungry." He told the crew before opening his mouth and snapping his mouth at merry, taking a bite of her.

The crew widen their eyes. Completely horrified.



"He's eating our ship!!!" Luffy spoke gripping the rail. Alice also moved towards him and was about to jump down when a voice stopped her.

"Don't move, you! Captain wapol is eating!!" One of the men with guns said.

Luffy snapped at him to shut up and hit him in the head, knocking him out.

"Why, that dirty...FIRE!!!"

They fired their bullets so Alice jumped down to avoid getting shot. Zoro and Sanji got excited to fight while Usopp tried to talk this out.

Alice ducked when a man fired at her head. She slid between his legs and kicked the back of his knee making him fall to his knees. She punched a man sending him back, crashing into others. Kicking and punching all around, she got tired of it.

She stood once again in the centre surrounded by men with loaded guns.

Smirking, she dropped on all fours making them tense and confused.

Her hand and foot turned into paws. Her ears pointed upwards and sharpened along with her teeth. Whiskers on her cheeks and a tail swaying threateningly.

She ignored the pounding pain in her body and looked at them.

Pouncing on them, making them jump back in shock. flabbergasted by her change and immediately knew she was a devil fruit user. Usopp who was watching her had his jaw drop to the ground or the floor.

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