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"Everyone meet my little sister. Alice"

Nami and usopp yelled out as Zoro looked at him and Alice and back to him in utter shock

Sanji realised it when he saw them crying since Alice had said him once that she was looking for her brother

"W-wait a minute! Hold on! You mean to say you have a sister?" Usopp asked after few seconds of silence

A silence took over which sanji broke with a chuckle
"Wait a minute, why are you laughing now Huh?" Usopp asked looking at sanji
"Well, I kinda knew Alice personally and once said she had brother she is looking for but who knew it would be luffy. Looks like the world is indeed a small place" Sanji replied and took out a cigarette

Alice ran at Sanji to hug his waist since she can't really reach much higher, her head reaching his chest and let out a giggle

"It's been a while sanji! How are you?" She asked looking up at him

"I'm fine, and you seem lively as always!" he in return smiled and hugged her back, ruffling her hair. Happy to see her again.

"Hello everyone! My name is Alice! Nice to meet you" She said bowing, and gave a closed eye smile as sanji and luffy found themselves smiling like an idiot.

Nami was looking at Alice with a blush
Cute.....and polite. She is nothing like luffy.

"Never knew I would see you again" Zoro mumbled sweatdropping, causing them to look at zoro now
"YOU KNOW HER TOO NOW?" Usopp and Nami snapped at him

"Yea, when zoro was money hunter. We met accidently once and I challenged him to a dual and tagged along with for couple of weeks then left" Alice said smiling with her hands behind her back

"A dual?" Nami asked
"Money hunter?" Usopp asked

"Well...more like he wasn't allowing me to come with him, so I challenged him that if I were to win then I will tag along with him and I like to call him money hunter since he said that he doesn't really call himself a pirate hunter so I figured he just does that for money" Alice replied with a closed eyed smile, and laughed at the end

"Oh I see" Usopp said
"WAIT-!! DOES THAT MEAN YOU WON??" He yelled-asked
"Umm....yea, but that was 3 years ago" Alice replied confused

"THAT JUST MAKES IT MORE DISTURBING!" Usopp yelled out causing Alice to laugh because she found Usopp funny.

Luffy laughed and practically dragged Alice to Merry.

In galley of merry

"What do you do Alice?" Usopp asked looking at Alice who was beaming stars and sunrays after sanji placed her drink infront of her. He had to squint his eyes to look at her

"Huh? Um well, I used to be a bartend-" Alice was cut of by Nami


"I used to work behind the bar doors if that makes you feel better" Alice said smiling at Nami as she felt she would calm down since Sanji too was freaked out when she first told him

"Oh, I actually meant like your speciality. I mean we saw you fight that Nick guy back in Meadow village!" Usopp asked excitedly

"Oh I use raw strength" Alice said and smiled at him.

"Why do we have monsters in our crew" Usopp mumbled in the corner of the galley drawing circles as Zoro and Nami sweatdroped

"Where were you these years?" Luffy asked
"Well, after I was kidnapped i-" Alice was cut by sanji and Nami

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