A New Friend!!

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Before you read this, I have made some changes in the previous chapters! Not many but if someone wants to re-read you can but if you don't want to then here are the changes I made

1. Her introduction (she bows)
2. Luffy inviting her in his crew
3. Her reason as to why she was kidnapped.
4. And she slept in the male's room with luffy not nami. (Why? One because he is her brother and two, You will know in the future)

Looking up ahead as we neared towards the end of the mountain. I couldn't hear anything over the extreme excitement I felt.

As the ship reached it's end and turned to the downhill of the reverse mountain, cheers filled the ship


I was enjoying the wind hitting my face, blowing my hair while standing near merry's figure head.

"This is world's greatest ocean!!" Luffy shouted through the air
"LET'S GO!!" We all yelled after him.

"It feels so surreal....." I mumbled as a wide smile took over my face before a arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"It's awesome, right!! I can't believe we are finally here!!" Luffy shouted through the sound of the this stream.
"Yea! I can't wait for adventures!!" I shouted while raising my arms up in the air.

"Don't forget that you have a lot of stories to tell us!" Zoro yelled from his spot so I turned to look towards him to see him grinning.

"Don't worry! I will tell y'all everything!" I said before turning back towards the grandline.

I was grinning but it dropped when I spotted something strange. And as if on cue there was a loud pitched growl or a shout I couldn't pin point. But my ear drums did blast and made me slump. I swear it sounded like 'Are you here?!' as if someone was yelling it.

"Alice!" Luffy yelled and came beside me holding my shoulder.

"I'm fine. There is something out there" I mumbled and pointed towards the front as he stood up to see as zoro came behind me.

There isn't supposed to be another mountain, is there?.......

"What was that? Did you hear something?" Zoro said which caught me attention
"I heard it!" I immediately replied looking back at him.
"Maybe it's the wind. There are probably lots of unusual rock formation around here" Nami replied too while smiling

"You shouldn't think like that when you are in grandline" I muttered under my nose.

It happened again. That sound and it was louder this time and I saw it this time.

"Nami!! There's something up ahead!" I yelled turning back to look at Usopp and Sanji to see if they saw it too.
"Yea! There is something up ahead......" Usopp yelled but trailed off when he couldn't figure it out.
"It seems like a mountain!" Sanji yelled

"I thought that too" I replied as Nami made a face. Probably because there isn't supposed to be a mountain.

"That isn't possible, the only mountain that's supposed to be here is the reverse mountain! It should be open sea once we pass the twin capes" Nami replied before everyone turned to see what it was.

I tried using my powers to see if I could feel what it was but it made me dizzy so I slumped against the rail behind the figure head. Again.
"Hey, what's wrong, Alice? This is the second time!" Luffy asked from behind me as Sanji made his way towards me.

"Earlier it was the loud sound but now I tired to use my powers to see if it is a living being but it made me really dizzy" I said as Sanji helped me up.

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