I went to the stable, got my horse and took off to Mr. Hargreeves. I could have taken the carriage, but I don't want anyone to know where I'm headed. The business that I am in pursuit of is purchasing land and for some reason it just feels right. I mean the land that I want is for a future home for whoever it is I choose to marry. We can stay in the Bridgerton family home until we start having children, and then move out when it's time. I arrived at Mr. Hargreeves residence within half an hour, and when I got to the stable I noticed a familiar horse. Paying it no mind due to the hour of the night, I just summed it up as the horse got away.

I went to Mr. Hargreeves door and knocked, it took him a rather longer time than usual to answer though. 

"Good evening Lord Bridgerton, come in" He smiled 

"Lord Hargreeves" I replied as I walked in "Did I choose the wrong time to come?" I asked 

"No my boy, you are welcomed here at any time" he smiled "Come along" He said walking up the stairs to his study

"So you found the deeds to the land I have interest in?" I asked as we were about to walk in his study 

He looked out the door and shut it before turning around to me. "I found a few of them" He answered 

"Well then, call your price" I said taking a seat as did he

"670 pound sterling would be the cost of Bakers Field " Said Mr. Hargreeves 

"That's way too much" I heard a familiar voice say lowly in an uncommon accent 

"Who is that?" I questioned 

"Come out young lady, you've already made noises" Mr. Hargreeves said 

The bookshelf pushed open to reveal it was a hidden door, and out came Miss Riverdale. I had a feeling that she was here after seeing Jacks but tried convincing myself otherwise. 

"I'm sorry" she sighed 

"Are you?" He questioned with a laugh 

"A little, but that price is wayyy to high for a piece of land" She said not even bothering to use her English accent

"Miss Hannah, I told you about voicing your opinions like that"  Mr. Hargreeves scolded her in a joking manner. "Besides I've done Mr. Bridgerton here better than just given him the land to my Estate in Bakers Field, but I decided to give him the whole town of Bakers Field " He said now turning to face me

"So you know Miss Riverdale is from the Caribbean then?" I ask him ignoring the business I came here for

"Is that all she told you?" He asked looking between the two of us

"Yes, it is all she's told me" I state looking at her as she avoided my stare

"Well it's not my business to tell, but Miss Hannah here-" He started to say but got cut off by a distant knock sounding through the room

"Where are your horses?" He asked standing up

"In the stable" both Miss Riverdale and myself answered

"Very well then, come along" He said quietly walking out the study "I'll be right down" He yelled over the banister  

"Where are we going?" Asked Miss Riverdale

"Nobody knows either of you are here. We don't need a scandal especially not with you" he said roughly pulling what seems to be a hidden door. "In here you two, don't come out until I say so" He scolded shutting the door back

As my eyes adjusted, I noticed we were now standing in a bedroom. Everything in this room looked as if it was specially hand crafted starting with the bed frame. I walked over to admire the nightstand until I was pulled out of my thoughts.

"Viscount Bridgerton" She said pulling my attention towards her with that beautiful accent

"Miss Riverdale... or Hannah?" I questioned 

"I'm sorry about today, you can call me either one" she answered 

"It's okay" I reassured her "How is it that he knows you're from the caribbean?" 

"Do you remember me telling you that you wouldn't believe me?" She questioned and I nodded "Have you ever heard of the term TRAVELER?" she asked just above a whisper 

"I heard a folklore or two" I answered 

"Well did you believe them?" She asked 

"As a child I did, I've grown to realize it was just bedtime stories" I told her making her chuckle 

"It's not just bed time stories Viscount" She smiled 

"What do you mean Miss Riverdale?" I questioned 

"My real name is Addison Aurora Hannah... I am from a different century"she said looking at me seriously. I mean I get she likes messing around but this was too funny for me not to laugh. 

"I trust you enough to tell you my secret and you laugh in my face? The same way you laughed at me when your bitch was mocking me?" She asked furiously and I could tell she was all too serious 

"Wait wait..." I said pulling her towards me, so her back was now to my chest "What century are you from if you're serious?" I asked holding her tightly this time 

"I came from the year 2022... I went to a historic museum, touched a painting and ended up here Viscount" She said sniffling and I could tell she was crying 

"Why are you crying? I won't tell anyone... your secret is safe with me" I said trying to comfort her 

"I don't believe you, you hated me from the day we first met" She spat 

"Is that what you gathered? Cause I gathered it's you who hate me" I countered 

"Shut up Anthony" She said trying to push me away, I was too caught up in the way she said my name.

"Say my name once more" I stated sternly 


"Please?" I begged as she pushed away, turning to face me


"Not that" I shook my head

"Anthony" she mumbled turning away which resulted in me pulling her to me 


"Anthony" She said just as she did the first time

I do not know what came over me after that, but I pulled her in for a kiss. I ravenously kissed her and she didn't stop me, instead she kissed me back with the same amount of passion, if not more. As I began to explore her beautiful, yet curvy body with my hands she pushed me away. 

"No, you will not conquer me Viscount, I am a lady" She said lowly 

"I assure you, this is not about conquering you. I want you badly" I said holding back my emotions

"I don't belong here in this time and this is wrong" She said now pacing back and forth 

I wrapped my arms around her to stop her from worrying. I don't know how she can stand here saying this feels so wrong when being here with her feels so right. I refuse to let her slip through my hands. 

"Addison, kiss me" I said holding her by her throat and thrusting her towards me. She glared at me with lust in her eyes and I could tell we were about to cross a line nobody would ever be able to stop us from crossing. 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now