,,Of course, I remember, I love you." She smiles at me and then she kisses me slowly but full of passion. I missed this affection so much, so I hold her a little bit longer until Ryan pulls Beca's jeans. We both look down at him.

,,Mama? Do you want to watch Spongebob with mommy and me?" Beca watches the stuffed red panda animal in his hand.

,,Is he going to watch with us?" Beca asks while pointing towards the stuffed animal.

,,Ceba is always with me." Ryan says proudly. ,,I have two red panda stuffed animals. This is Ceba." He holds up the stuffed animal. ,,And the other is called..." He stops, thinking for a moment before looking at me. ,,What was his name again, mommy?" I look at Beca now, feeling my cheek burn.

,,Pabu." Beca raises her eyebrows and then turns her gaze on me. ,,I have more things of you in my closet." I say embarrassed, not knowing what Beca will say. Luckily I could take the box with Beca's stuff in it with me out of my old apartment. Beca doesn't say anything but I can see that it touches her. She grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

,,I'll go watch Spongebob with you after dinner, okay kiddo?" Beca says to Ryan. Ryan nods his head. Beca helps me set up dinner and once we were done with the food, we all sit at the table to eat. ,,You are a really good cook, Chlo." I missed Beca calling me that.

,,Mommy is the best cook." Ryan confirms. Beca smiles at him, really trying to connect with Ryan. I can see that they're getting closer, but I still want to talk to her when Ryan is in bed.

,,She really is," Now Beca looks at me. ,,so do you cook every night?"

,,Not every night, sometimes Emma comes over and cooks dinner for us." I say and then those beautiful flowers she brought catch my eye. ,,Those flowers are thoughtful Becs, you must have paid a fortune."

,,It was nothing, Chlo. I saw them and I thought of you, they are your favorite flowers after all." She gives me a look now that makes me melt. We keep looking at each other with intense gazes until Ryan takes us back to reality.

,,Mommy, I'm all done." He says. I look at his plate and it is cleared off.

,,Yes, you are. You are such a big boy." Beca and I finish our tacos too before cleaning the kitchen. Ryan grabs Beca's hand and pulls her with him to the couch.

,,You promised to watch Spongebob with us." Beca laughs at his enthusiasm and joins him. I sit next to Beca, kissing her on her cheek before turning on the movie again.

After we finished the movie and Ryan is safely in bed, I walk back downstairs to Beca. It's the first time we are alone together for the rest of the night. Beca stands up, facing me with a content smile on her face.

,,Thank you for inviting me tonight." She says and I look down for a moment.

,,Becs, I want to talk to you." She looks at me, gesturing for me to continue. ,,Becs, you don't have to do this, you know."

,,What do you mean?"

,,Well, I can see that you're not fully comfortable around Ryan. You don't have to bond if you don't want to."

,,Chlo -"

,,No, please just - I'm giving you an out, Beca." I say with pain in my heart. ,,Even tho it hurts me like hell to see you walk out of our lives."

,,I don't want an out." Beca says immediately.

,,Becs, I know this isn't what you signed up for. I don't want you to feel forced into this. Ryan loves you, but if you aren't ready, then -" Beca holds up her hands now, stopping me from talking.

,,Chloe, stop. I don't want an out. I want this, I want this with you." I smile and grab her hands.

,,Are you sure?" Beca nods.

,,I know there's still a lot to work out, but I'm ready to face them with you." My tears fill themselves with tears.

,,Thank you, Becs." I say full of love. Beca licks her lips, then tugs at the side of her lip with her teeth, driving me insane. Beca then lifts her hand to push my hair out of my face and her hand lingers, cupping my cheek. She starts leaning in and my breath caught. She closes the space between us, her lips colliding with mine. I close my eyes melting into the simple yet powerful kiss. My hand finds her side and I pull her closer to me. I move my lips slowly against hers.

After a moment she pulls out of the kiss and she looks at me, smiling. I can't hide the redness growing on my cheeks. She takes my breath away, just the simplicity of her gives me a high that I don't want to come down from.

,,I should go Chlo, it's getting late." She says, lowering her hand from my face.

,,You're right, it is." I say, moving my arm from her side. ,,I'll walk you out." I say with a smile, not wanting to force her to stay the night. She takes my hand and we walk to the front door. There she turns to face me.

,,Thank you for dinner, Chlo. It was amazing and I enjoyed spending time with Ryan."

,,Thank you for coming, Ryan loved watching Spongebob with you, and thank you for those amazing flowers." With the hand Beca is holding, she pulls me closer to her.

,,So, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks me.

,,Yes, and I'll bring Ryan with me. He loves spending time with you." She smiles.

,,I can't wait." Beca leans in and places a lingering kiss on my lips before stepping out of the embrace. ,,Goodnight, Chlo." Beca opens the door.

,,Goodnight, Becs." I say and watch her as she walks to her car. I wave her goodbye and once her car is out of sight, I close the door and lock it. I lean up against it, take a breath, and think what a perfect evening tonight was.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang