39. Sisters

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Meanwhile, in the hospital room, Bulut returned to his wife.

"Did you warn them?" she asked.

"Yes, they jumped for joy. They were all surprised by the news, especially Can and Sanem saying hello to you. They can't wait to hug you back and meet the little one." he reported.

"They jumped for joy? Really?" she asked shyly as a child.

"Yes, the whole team was jubilant." he said.

Deren smiled serenely.

Bulut looked around and then asked: "Where is our daughter?" seeing the empty cot next to her.

"They took her for check-ups."s he said. "She will be back shortly."

Bulut approached his wife and kissed her on the forehead.

"I haven't told you yet how proud I am of you." Bulut admitted.

Deren looked at him.

"I already knew you were a strong woman, but I admit you surprised me." he said.

"To find out something like that was a shock." Deren confessed.

"I want to say.... How my family fell apart and ... secrets..." said Deren with his eyes ready to shed more tears.

"To all this there is only one culprit." she said seriously and firmly looking at her husband.

"And that is Ahmet Erdogan." she concluded.

"He has not only ruined my life and my family, but also Ezgi's." she said.

Bulut squeezed her hand in comfort.

"He is not the only culprit in this affair." he added.

"Metin also has his faults." he said.

"See, I didn't get it. Still, at least he told the truth." said Deren.

Bulut looked at her. He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

Deren noticing his expression frowned and asked: "Why that face? What were you going to say Bulut?" she asked.

"Here... Metin wasn't at all as sincere as you think.... But let's not think about it now. We will talk at home calmly. Don't think about such things now. Try to be calm." he said stroking her forehead, moving her hair.

"Bulut?" she asked.

"Tell me." he replied serenely.

"Is Ezgi here?" she asked.

"Yes... she is outside. Burak is with her." he said.

"Can you let her in, please? I need to talk to her." she said.

Bulut stared at her.

"You're not really going to relax, are you?" he replied, already knowing the answer.

"In order to relax I need to talk to her." she replied. "Please." added.

"Alright." He said.

"I'll call her. I'll be outside. Is there anything you wish to eat? Shall I bring you something?" he asked her.

"I'm craving sushi!" she exclaimed brightening up.

"OK." he replied.

"From my favourite restaurant, mind you." she added.

"OK, i will do." replied Bulut as he approached the door.

"And..." added Deren.

"Yes?" asked Bulut turning back to her with his hand on the handle.