13. Magical Nights

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 After a nice family snack, Can and Sanem were driving back to the estate.

Sanem was texting with the others who were keeping her updated on the preparations. Suddenly she put down the phone and huffed. She looked at the watch on her wrist. She started to swing her legs in nervousness. She leaned her elbow on the edge of the window and looked out.

"Love? Are you OK?" asked Can.

"Huh?" she asked coming back to reality.

"What's making you so nervous, come on, say it. I know there's something. I'm listening." he urged her.

She sighed.

"Deren hasn't warned about the dress yet." she said.

"Why is there more trouble with the dress?" he asked confused.

"Ah, right you don't know!" exclaimed his wife.

"What?" asked Can. "Is that by any chance the reason for the private chat in the hospital with Deren?" he asked.

"Yes. Ah, by the way, thanks for keeping my game." she said, touching his hand on the gearstick. Can took it and brought it to his lips for a kiss.

"You don't have to thank me." he replied.

Sanem thanked him in turn leaning towards him to stamp a kiss on his cheek.

"Mh... I must keep your game more often, then." he commented mischievously.

Sanem laughed.

"Anyway yes... the conversation with Deren was about the dress." she replied.

"Mh, I thought so." Can replied.

"When we were in the corridor, you asked me who was on the phone, remember?" she told him.

"Mh mh." he replied, concentrating on driving.

"Well... it was the seamstress, Mrs Ezgi. I asked her to do what she could to find a solution but she couldn't do anything, because the dress is really rare, and the fabric is unobtainable." said Sanem.

"She thinks that according to Ezgi the only dress that can be found is on display at a fashion museum in London." added.

"Wow... is it that rare?" asked Can.

"It sure looks like it." replied his wife.

"That's why I was agitated. I, to Deren, didn't say anything about it, given the situation, because I hoped it would work out, but..." she said, leaving the sentence hanging.

"But it didn't." he concluded her.

"No. So thinking together, we came up with Deren's grandmother's wedding dress." she said.

"What do you mean?" asked Can carefully.

"Well, if Deren still had her grandmother's original wedding dress that seems to have the identical fabric, it could be the salvation for the dress, and for Deren's dream wedding. That woman is in pieces, Can!" exclaimed Sanem.

"That's it... actually timing has never been her strong point..." he commented.

"Can, but how could she foresee this?" she asked.

"The pregnancy wasn't voluntary as what I understand. It just happened." she added.

"I was saying in general, here. I wasn't referring to the pregnancy, of course." Can replied.

"Deren has always been a bit unlucky in timing, that's it." he pointed out.

"Anyway... So what are you going to do?" he asked.