26. The grandmother

Start from the beginning

"Ah... What do you feel grandmother?" asked Cey Cey worried about her abilities.

"Your wife is pregnant, stupid!" shouted he.

"Ahhh!" he shouted back at the mere thought.

"Don't yell at your grandmother!" she exclaimed.

"No, Ayhan is not pregnant grandma, what are you talking about, she is just fine." retorted Cey Cey in denial. She was having a panic attack.

"You are blind! Fool that you are!" said her grandmother.

"I hear and see everything!" she repeated.

"Grandma, maybe then you see too much. You also see what is not here." replied Cey Cey. "Is that a secular power by any chance?" he then asked curiously.

"You will see, I will die. And I will not see them." she repeated.

"Ah, but you are only 109 years old! You are still a child." he said, complimenting her.

"I am dying." she repeated.

"Now I'm dying." said Cey Cey waving a file found there on the floor. He felt faint.

"No! You cannot die! I must see my grandchildren. Until then, you cannot. I won't let you!" ranted the grandmother.

"Ah, so now you also decide when I can die, is that it? Thank you, grandma." blurted Cey Cey, anchoring himself on the table to keep himself upright.

"I have to go now. You go to your children, go. Bye!" she said decisively, hanging up instantly.

"Bye grandma, bye," he replied with a huff, hanging up in turn, without strength.

"She's going crazy... I swear she's going crazy." he said as he staggered out of the meeting room to get some air. He stopped at the counter to pour himself a strong coffee.

With his back turned, he did not notice the arrival of someone.

"Cey Cey?" asked a familiar voice.

Cey Cey turned around slowly, scared like in a horror movie. Perhaps he really was going mad.

When he saw her, he asked: "Zu zu?"

He lit up, turning around to reach her. She had a huge box in her hands. Cey Cey felt like deja vu.

"Zu zu? What are you doing here?" he asked upon seeing the box.

"From the Grandmother." she said, handing it to him.

"She had a dream, and so the whole village filled this box for you." she explained.

Zu zu was still the same, it seemed like no years had passed since the last time. She had grown, but only Cey Cey realised this, knowing her so well from his various visits to the village. This time too, her long hair were styled in huge braids.

"Zu zu? Thank you." he said, taking the box. He kissed her on the forehead and then with a sad look, she left.

At that moment Ayhan came running up like crazy.

They were alone now, the agency had emptied. On Fridays, the working day ended early and no one had noticed Zu Zu. This time the box was safe.

Cey Cey in the meantime had placed the heavy box on the bar counter and, with his back turned, was peering inside it, when Ayhan sneaked up behind him, making him flinch.

"Cey Cey?" she called out to him sharply, on purpose.

Cey Cey jerked.

Ayhan laughed.