21. Open eyes

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"Yes, why don't we wrap him in a carpet like we did in the past, eh, Muzo?" reminded her Ayhan.

"That might be an idea, actually." he thought.

"Don't talk nonsense." she shushed him.

"Guys... We should be able to get our hands on Metin's phone. If we could check the incoming call log, take a picture, or write down the number, or I don't know, check in his address book, that is... if we had confirmation, then we could act." thought Sanem.

"Act in what way, Sanem?" asked her Cey Cey stepping closer, his eyes narrowed tightly, growing charged and ready to get to work.

"I don't know yet, Cey Cey. One step at a time." she replied.

"Ah, such anger has risen in me now, that.... Ahhh!" shouted Cey Cey taking a pencil from the table and then smashing it in two.

"SHHHHH! Don't scream!" they all exclaimed.

"Hold back Cey Cey." his wife told her.

"Or I'll turn you into a mime." Muzo reminded him.

"I just can't do it... I mean, it's stronger than me, but how do you do it? How can you, huh? Why? Why her, huh? Why my Derosh?" repeated Cey Cey in panic.

"Mine?" asked Ayhan with a hint of jealousy.

"Ah, don't you two start! This is not the time." Sanem put them back in their place.

"There is little I can do, with this impediment, but you... must take every opportunity possible, to get your hands on that phone." said Sanem.

"The only one who could easily watch would be Mr Can." commented Cey Cey.

"I don't think so. And woe... but woe, if he gets wind of anything. Can is a man who needs to have the evidence in hand in these circumstances. I can't tell him my suspicions at the moment until they are founded. This is his best friend we are talking about." Sanem reminded everyone.

"And besides... if he is hiding something... as he is already doing... do you think he would quietly let his best friend touch his own phone? Don't you remember what happened between them in the past?" she added.

"You're right sis. We will do as you wish. After all, you are the one who has the most information about this than anyone else, or not?" recalled Ayhan.

"Yes..." confirmed Muzo.

"The safest places where we could confront each other are: the neighbourhood and the estate." Sanem told them.

"But at the estate there is Can." said Cey Cey.

"In both cases an excuse is needed, it is obvious, even for the neighbourhood. I already have something in mind." said Sanem.

Sanem looked at her watch. "Now go. To your jobs. Behave normally and keep your eyes open. That's all I ask of you." she concluded.

"Now... Muzo with me. I need help with the samples in the box. Let's go to the lab." she said seriously.

"Cey Cey? Upstairs if you see Burak send him to me." she added.

"Alright." replied Cey Cey,

"Good work everyone." She greeted them.

"Thank you, good work to you too." They replied.

Once the entrance to Sanem was reopened and the alarm reactivated, they immediately set to work.

Two months had passed since then. Nothing had changed. They had not been able to get that phone. They heard some clips as he spoke but it was not clear whether it was him.

2. THIS IS ONLY THE BEGIN. STORIES OF A FUTURE TO BE TOLD (ENG VERSION)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu