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*time skip, 4/5 months*

Conan's POV

I watched as Billie threw Y/n over her shoulder, giggling and kissing as if I wasn't there. I wanna tell her how I feel, but I don't wanna ruin whatever they have going on. Over these past few months I've only gotten closer to Y/n. And I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing. I love having her in my life again, she's a good friend. But I can't stand having to hide my feelings around her. Not saying things I want to say. Holding in my emotions as they only got stronger.

As the night went by all I did was stare, Y/n and Billie this and that. It hurts, but I guess I deserve it. She wanted me that entire time too, but I was too shy to make a move, scared and I regret being such a pussy.

"You wanna head home?" Billies hands ran through Y/n's brown hair she had curled earlier today. Every little detail about her I notice, I wonder if Billie notices those things about her too. Y/n just shrugged, she looked upset the entire night but I didn't want to make her mad. Also I guess it's not my business. "It's late...and we need to talk" I barely heard the last part, now really wondering what they were talking about.

"Yea...okay" she got off Billie's lap, standing up and fixing up her cardigan. "We're gonna head out guys" she yawned, going over to the group of girls and giving them a big hug. "Bye Cone" she gave me a cheeky smile and a little hug, my cheeks went hot and I immediately sat down, hiding my face. I'm used to physical touch, liv and the girls are always kissing and hugging me around, it's normal. Y/n not as much but when she is going around giving hugs I try to avoid it, knowing I'll get all blushy.

They left, leaving me and the other girls in Olivia's apartment. "Is it just me or were they acting weird?" I nodded my head in agreement. "Maybe they got into an argument, they've been off these last couple weeks" Olivia just walked casually around the apartment, plopping right next to me. "Conan..." "hm?" I snapped out the little trance I was in, her expression like a small smile but also concerned. "Sorry, blacked out for a bit, what where you saying?" I smiled, trying to change the mood. The girls just giggled and continued to watch what was happening in the show they were watching.

I secretly hope they are arguing, I hope y/n breaks Billie's heart. Or maybe the other way around, I could help her get over- god what am I saying? I hope she's happy. I just wish it was with me.


"Seriously Billie? Are you kidding?" I held up her phone, the evidence of calls with her ex at observed times 3am,4am,5am. They went on as I scrolled. One every night. "What! Those aren't mine" "oh those calls aren't yours? Those 2 hour calls aren't fucking yours?!" I wanted to scream my head off, going off on her and asking her why. "No they aren't mine, babe" she stopped looking at the road, looking at the phone. "You decided to date me while you're still in love with her? Still? It's been 5 fucking months" I said in disgust. I wanted to cry,scream, maybe even die. This is what happens when you put too much trust into someone. They'll take advantage of you, just like they do with everyone else.

"Okay but you can't say jack fucking shit, I see how you look at Conan" she wants to bring up exes? Okay I see how it fucking is. "Me and Conan never even fucking dated Billie, Never. And having him as a friend, first not even a super close friend isn't cheating okay? And-" she started arguing, rolling her eyes and getting defensive.

"It's over! Me and her are over! Okay?" "These calls Are from a week ago, you guys were over 1 week ago? What about now? HUH?" I was angry, I couldn't even cry I was so mad. "Listen y/n" she took a long pause before breathing in. "That's calls with her because she's a designer, you know that" what does that have to do with anything?" "And the only time she's free to design my merch and shit is at night"

𝘐 𝘜𝘚𝘌𝘋 𝘛𝘖 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘒 𝘐 𝘊𝘖𝘜𝘓𝘋 𝘍𝘓𝘠 (Conan Gray x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now