Peace Comes To Beltane Manor

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Theresa Hardwick for my behavior."

"It can be arranged, Lady Elizabeth. I am glad to see you have come to your senses. "Lady Karissa tells her eldest daughter, " This will make your grandfather very happy."

"I love my grandfather more than anyone on this planet, only next to Lord Richard Edward III." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.'

"I am glad to hear you love your grandfather so much. You were born for him alone. I didn't give birth to you for your father but for your grandfather." Lady Karissa explains.

"May I see my new brother, mama?" Lady Elizabeth asks.

"Of course, but Lady Caroline Matilda really doesn't want to share her little brother with anyone." Lady Karissa explains.

"Mama. He is my little brother. " Lady Elizabeth explains.

"I am not disputing that fact, Lady Elizabeth." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lord Anthony and Lord Albert Edward are in the nursery with Lord Benjamin Lawrence." Lady Karissa tells her daughter.

With Lord Richard Edward III by her side, Lady Elizabeth walks into the nursery and Lord Anthony and Lord Albert Edward are playing with Lord Benjamin Lawrence.

Lord Anthony looks at Lady Elizabeth " Look Sis. We have a new little brother." Lord Anthony tells her.

Lady Elizabeth with Lord Richard Edward III walks over to see Lord Benjamin Lawrence and Lady Elizabeth asks to hold him and Lord Anthony hands Lord Benjamin Lawrence to her and she tells Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward " He looks just like us. He has our blonde hair and our eyes."

"Gosh, sis. He is our brother and he should look like us." Lord Anthony tells his sister.

Lady Karissa with Lord Richard William walk into the nursery and Lady Elizabeth is holding Lord Benjamin Lawrence " Mama. He looks like Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward and me with the same blonde hair." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

"I think most of my children have blonde hair, Lady Elizabeth but Lady Samhain takes after your father, and Lady Caroline Matilda takes after her great-great-grandmother, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

Lord Andrew Charles walks in " What a happy scene. Do we have peace finally here at Beltane Manor?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

Lady Theresa with Lady Anastasia Christina walk into the nursery to visit Lord Benjamin Lawrence and Lord Richard Edward III tells her " Don't be afraid of Lady Elizabeth. Her roar is worse than her bite. I have tamed her."

Lady Elizabeth walls over and she curtsy to Lady Theresa and she tells her " I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, Lady Theresa. "

"Lady Elizabeth. You didn't hurt me, but you hurt your grandfather and you hurt Lady Anastasia Christina." Lady Theresa tells her.

Lady Elizabeth walks over to her little sister, and she takes her into her arms and she hugs her and she tells her " I am sorry if I hurt you, Lady Anastasia Christina. You are Howard and I should have known better."

"We are sisters, Lady Anastasia and we share the same father, The Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lady Elizabeth tells her little sister, "You look just like Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward and Lord Benjamin and me."

Lady Karissa looks on as Lady Elizabeth makes up with her little sister, Lady Anastasia Christina and Lord Andrew Charles nods and when Lord Charles Andrew JR hears the news he tells Lady Sarah " I finally have peace. Lady Elizabeth apologized to Lady Anastasia Christina."

"Lord Charles Andrew JR. Lord Richard Edward III knows how to control his second cousin." Lady Sarah tells him " Your nephew and his wife raised a fine son."

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now