The Pursuit of The Heiress That Will Change Norfolk Territory Part Two

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Lord Andrew Charles Howard thinks he has won, but he hasn't won anything at all, but he doesn't understand that his marriage with Karissa is solely based on convenience, but he hopes in time he can win her love.

Lord Andrew Charles tells his father the proposition that Karissa has offered him and he has decided to accept it if it means it will secure what his great-great-grandfather Dukedom.

"Father, Think if I am successful. You will finally get your first grandchild." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Our marriage will be like another aristocratic marriage and it will secure the Dukedom started by my great-great-grandfather and isn't what you wanted." Lord Andrew Charles asks him.

"I was hoping for something more for you, Lord Andrew Charles. Like a happy marriage." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Karissa will come to love me in time, father. " Lord Andrew Charles tells his father, "If I give her that daughter. She will love me forever."

"What if it isn't a daughter, Lord Andrew Charles and then what. Will she just forget about the son she has given birth to?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"I only get once with her father or she will waltz out of my life." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Lord Andrew Charles, didn't that damn fancy parochial school I sent to you and paid all the money teach you anything at all?" Lord Charles Andrew JR asks.

"What man can guarantee himself a daughter and we can't even guarantee ourselves a son, and if we are lucky we may get one or two of them. In the case of your great-grandfather, grandfather and me we were just lucky." Lord Charles Andrew explains.

"I have to try father. Karissa placed the challenge and I must accept it." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"Let's hope you do that as a daughter because we will be stuck with a child that can't inherit the Dukedom." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "It will be your turn to seduce Lady Paulina as Lord Charles Andrew III failed."

"I can't have two sons that are infertile." Lord Charles Andrew JR states, "or is that the Stuart men are cursed."

"Did your mother pass on something to her sons and it rendered them infertile." Lord Charles Andrew JR asks his son.

"Why don't you talk to your grandnephew, father.?" Lord Andrew Charles asks him.

Lord Andrew Charles takes the challenge that Karissa has put in front of him and he agrees to take her to his country estate of Balmoral with the only chance he will ever get.

When Lord Richard William Carey hears about the challenge he tries to talk Karissa out of it, but she assures it will be like any other aristocratic marriage.

"Surely you don't approve of what your great-great-grandfather did your dear great-grandmother and how he insulted her and her sex." Karissa asks.

"What about your daughter when you have one, do you want a son to replace him just because he was simply born a boy ?" Karissa asks.

"I don't approve of what my great-great-grandfather did to my great-grandmother and she was worthy of the title." Lord Richard William states.

"I don't have a daughter not yet?" Lord Richard William tells Karissa.

"Lord Richard Willliam. If you are patient you will get your daughter and your heiress." Karissa promises.

"I don't know when and where, but she will come." Karissa tells him " Even if I have to do it myself. You will get a daughter and son."

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now