But he wasn't going to give up because ever since Rose banished him and the rest of his family from seeing her again, his life's been a disaster. He had hoped that for Rose to change her mind ― he liked the thought of having a little sister. And he knew how much it meant to his parents who've been absolutely destroyed by Rose and her decision. 

It wasn't a surprise, Rose's decision and the way it made everyone feel was no surprise either.

"So how long are you going to ignore me?" Draco finally asked when Theo walked past his table. "Because that's not good costumer service."

Theo stopped and scoffed. "And what do you know about costumer service?"

"I read a book. Tori found it. It had a lot of information of muggle stuff," explained Draco. "I read it so I could actually have a conversation with Rose. That was stupid, right?"

"That was thoughtful," Theo admitted.

"Are you busy working or can you talk?" Draco asked. "I really haven't had anyone to talk to, besides Tori. I've talked to Daphne and Blaise as well but you know... they are as good as they can be but that's not enough right now."

Theo sighed. "So they know now?"

"Well I needed someone to talk to. You weren't there," Draco said.

When Theo and Draco were children, they talked about everything. Theo complained about his father while Draco tried to make him feel better by telling stupid jokes that made no sense. They were like brothers and months ago ― before the whole Rose is Lyra situation ― Draco thought he might get his best friend back. Then everything went to hell and Draco lost his best friend and his sister. 

"I'll tell Johnson I take my break now," Theo said. 

Once he had done this, Theo took a seat across the table from Draco. 

"So what now?" Asked Theo. 

Draco rolled his eyes. 

"Are you back for good?"

"I don't have to tell you that," said Theo and rested his hands on the table. 

"Stop being a git," Draco muttered. "Things were good before this whole shit blew up."

Theo knew this.

"I'm aware but shit did blew up and there's nothing any of us can do about it, other than support Rosie," he said.

Draco gritted his teeth when Theo brought up Rose. 

He wasn't angry at her, just upset. If Draco was being honest, he would had most likely done the same thing as Rose so he could hardly blame her for her choice. But her decision was still hard to live with, especially since it affected his parents so much. 

"How's Lucius and Narcissa?" Theo dared to ask. 

"Nice to know that you care so deeply about my feelings," said Draco.

Theo took in a deep breath. 

"Fine. How are you?" He asked instead. 

"I'm okay. It's not like she was my sister or anything," he snorted. "By blood yes but she never really was. I didn't know about her until now so my loss is not as big as some might think. Tori thinks this is a huge deal and will affect me sooner or later but she's wrong. I'm worried about mum and dad," explained Draco.

"They are better than before, I think. But they are still sad and mum she... I don't even know what she thinks or feels anymore. She mostly blames herself. It's no secret that she had been more awful to Rose than dad, prior the truth."

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