Chapter 42

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It was hard to say what was making Ben more nervous. His plan to sing his song for Roger himself, or Freddie's decision to add it to the album. In either case it wasn't helping that both of those plans would be carried out today. The band had already been at the recording studio for a couple of hours. While the others took turns in the recording booth, Ben stuck with the audio engineer, Rein, to ensure that their performance was on point.

Both Mary and Jim had also come with them to watch. The two were lounging on a sofa in the back of the room. Now that Rein was recording Brian's parts for Keep Yourself Alive, Freddie had joined them in their conversation. Ben had assumed that Freddie would be more concerned about work today, but apparently he was relying on him entirely.

Roger and John were sitting with Ben and Rein, who just paused the recording as Brian finished another part. He signaled to the guitarist to come out of the booth to listen back with them. Ben already knew that this recording wasn't quite as flawless as it should be. As much as he wanted to do his job correctly, he also felt bad about having to tell everyone to re-do their takes so many times. At least they knew why he was doing it, which made it a little less uncomfortable.

"How was that?", Brian asked as he came through the door.
"It sounded good to me," Rein said in his monotone voice. He didn't care if it sounded good. He just wanted to get this work day over with.
"It was lovely, dear!" Freddie pretended he had been paying attention, and gave him a thumbs up. The others nodded their heads and talked over one another in agreement. Mary had an especially bright smile on her face.

"Rein, can you play it back? There were a few parts that I think might still need some small improvements," Ben requested.
Rein let out a defeated sigh.
"Alright. This is only like the fiftieth time anyway."
Ben smiled apologetically as Rein rewinded the tape once again. He hit play. At this point, Ben had heard the track so many times it was getting hard to remember what it originally sounded like on the album. He knew it would probably not be an exact match in the end, but he did want to get as close as possible.

"Here, this part," he said to Brian.
"I think you could play that a little faster."
Brian nodded.
"Alright, I'll try."
"Oh, and here you should draw out that last note a bit longer."
"Got it."
"You know, I've worked with a bunch of bands," Rein said after they had listened to the rest of the tape.
"None of them are this critical with themselves, and they're doing fine."
"Not every band is Queen," John said cheekily.

"And not every band has a secret weapon like we do," Roger added, glancing proudly at Ben.
"Secret weapon," Rein grumbled under his breath. He was clearly very annoyed with him.
"Well then, I'll get back in there so we get this done." Brian returned to the recording booth and picked up the Red Special. Ben listened carefully. This time, he was sure it was exactly the way it needed to be.

"Now it's perfect," he announced when Brian came back in.
"Thank you very much." The tall man smiled, satisfied with himself.
"Okay, I'm going to add this track to the rest of the song now. Are you done with it then?" Rein looked from one band member to the next.
"I do think so," Ben said.
"But we should listen to the whole thing again just in case."
The look on Rein's face spoke volumes. Ben would not have been surprised if he quit his job after this.
"Alright then," he whined.

After another half hour of experimenting with sound effects, everyone was finally happy with the results. Freddie put an arm around Ben's shoulders.
"So, what do you say we get to your song next?"
Roger tilted his head.
"What do you mean, his song?"
John smirked knowingly.
"This one is probably going to be your favorite," he said.

"I may have written a song as well," Ben explained.
"I did get help. And I desperately needed it. But I hope you like it anyway."
There was so much more Ben wanted to say, but with Rein in the room that probably wasn't a good idea. The song would have to speak for itself.
"I think we should listen to you play it before we get to recording," Freddie said.

"Right, because it won't take long enough as it is," Rein interrupted them.
"I am paying you per hour, aren't I?", Freddie snarled.
"But feel free to take a break. We might really need some time for this one."
"Oh thank god." Rein grabbed his bag and headed for the door.
"I'll be outside, just get me when you're ready." He closed the door behind himself, and Ben immediately felt himself relax.

"How can you even work with this guy?" Jim shook his head at the man.
"I would not have picked him if I had known he has an attitude like this," Freddie apologized.
"Ben, do you want to pick out a guitar for the song?", Brian asked him.
"Oh, why don't you do that? You'll be the one playing it after all."
"I actually thought you were going to?", Brian said.
"No, I was not." Ben laughed nervously.
His eyes wandered from one person to the next, their unblinking eyes forced his laugh back down his throat.
"Why is everyone looking at me like that?"

"Come on Ben, you know you should be the one playing it," John encouraged him.
"I would like it if you did," Roger added.
Ben sighed. The pleading look in his eyes was one he could never resist.
"Alright, anything for you my dear," he mumbled.
Ben made his way over to the storage room next to the recording booth and looked through the collection of acoustic guitars that were being kept at the place. Brian followed after him.

"I have no idea what I am even looking for," Ben admitted.
"Just try one out, there's not much you can do wrong," Brian said, shrugging.
Ben grabbed the next best guitar and started tuning it. He briefly considered trying out some more just to stall for time. The look on his face must have revealed his discomfort.
"Is everything alright with you?", Brian asked.

"I am a little nervous. I'm still not that good, and I want this to be perfect," Ben said.
"Do you really think it has to be? Rog will love it for the thought behind it, not for how well you play or sing."
"I suppose that's right."
His words calmed Ben, even if just a little.
"Thanks, mate."
"No problem at all." Brian gave him a pat on the back.
"He'll love it."

With the guitar in his arms, Ben followed Brian back to the others. Everyone was looking at him in anticipation. He took a deep breath, and tried to limit his focus on the most important person in the room. Roger. They locked eyes, and Ben began to play.

"My life got turned around
One oh so fateful day
I thought I lost it all
But then you crossed my way
A dreamy charming angel
With starlight in your eyes"

Ben's voice was quiet at first, but he soon gained the confidence to put more power into it.

"A song was on your lips
Before long, I realized
You're what I need
What I want
For the rest of my life
If one day I woke up, to find that you are gone
I wouldn't have a reason to go on
I'd have no where to go, no where to stay
So please, I ask you darling, to never go away
You gave my life new meaning, you made my whole world bright
Without you I'd be nothing, but with you I'm alright
You're all I need
All I want
For the rest of my life"

The moment the last note faded away, Roger jumped up from his chair. John took the guitar from Ben, and Roger let himself fall into his boyfriend's arms.
"You are too sweet," he exclaimed happily.
"You like it?"
"Of course I do. I love you."
Cupping Ben's face with his hands, Roger brought their lips together in a gentle kiss. Ben's heart fluttered. This reaction was well worth the work.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for missing an upload day and posting this chapter late. I will have to go back to uploading only once a week for now. I hope you don't mind. You will certainly get the next chapter in a week though.
Until then!


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