Chapter 16

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After eating and taking another nap, Roger felt a little better. He wanted to get out of his room and watch tv. With his head resting on Ben's lap, he was now laying on the sofa. Ben played with his hair, not paying much attention to the program on the screen. He was just happy he didn't ruin things with Roger. They had been resting like this for a while when their ears pricked up at the sound of a key unlocking the apartmpent door. Freddie was back from work. He cursed under his breath as he ran his hands through his soaking wet hair.

"Damn this rain. Just when you think this day can't get any worse..."
"Hey Freddie. Welcome home," Ben called out over the noise of the tv. Roger briefly lifted his head.
"Hey." Freddie walked into the living room, took in the scene in front of him, and shook his head.
"You two are so gay."
"I'd argue you're still the gayest person in this room," Ben said.
"And every room you're in really," Roger added. Freddie flipped his hair over his shoulder.
"I'll take it, darlings."

"There's still some soup if you want," Ben said, pointing at the pot on the stove.
"Thanks, I might have some later. But first I have to shower. You keep doting on your boyfriend." He gave them a wink before dissapearing into his room to grab fresh clothes. Ben looked after him, dumbfounded. Boyfriend. He felt his cheeks getting warm. Roger sighed.
"Ignore him."

He propped himself up on his elbow, reaching for a cup on the coffee table. Ben had made him a pot of herbal tea earlier. Roger was reluctant to drink the bitter beverage at first, but it had done wonders to calm his stomach. He gulped down the last mouthful, put the cup down and let himself sink back into Ben's lap.

"God, how am I already so tired again?"
"You're still recovering, that's how." Ben placed his palm on Roger's forehead.
"At least your temperature is going down. Unless it's just my hand that's getting warmer. We should really buy a fever thermometer."

"And maybe get a ring while you're at it." Freddie scurried past them on his way to the bathroom, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh, be quiet, you." Roger weakly raised his arm and threw a pillow in Freddie's direction. It didn't make it past the other end of the sofa. Freddie chuckled.
"Good luck trying to make me." He closed the bathroom door behind him.

Roger pouted.
"He's annoying. Can we get a new roommate?"
"We'll replace him with a dog!" Ben raised his voice so Freddie could hear him. Muffled grumbling came from the other side of the bathroom door. Ben could only make out the word "rude" and something about a cat.

Roger looked up at Ben as if he had something to say.
"What is it, precious?", Ben said softly. Roger averted his gaze.
"Do you maybe want to lay down and cuddle with me?", he murmured. A smile flashed across Ben's face.
"Sure." The two repositioned themselves so Ben could spoon Roger. A warm feeling of happyness overcame Ben as he wrapped his arms around him. He had always loved it when he got to hold someone close, feeling their chest rise and fall with each breath. Roger brought his hand up to Ben's to intertwine them. A weight he didn't realize was still there after this nerve wracking day lifted itself from Ben's shoulders. He sighed blissfully. He let his eyes fall shut and soon both Roger and Ben drifted off to sleep.


The next afternoon Ben followed Freddie through the streets of London. They just got off work, and were now headed for Deaky's home to hopefully get a chance to introduce themselves. Ben wasn't too sure what exactly Freddie had planned once they arrived, but his mind was in a different place anyway. In his coat pocket he was holding a note Roger had left on the kitchen table for him this morning.
"Have a lovely day, handsome man! x", it said. Ben hadn't been able to stop thinking about it all day. It was funny how even such a small thing thrilled him, but he couldn't help it.

After a while of walking, Freddie stopped in front of an apartment complex. He turned to Ben.
"This should be it." Ben looked around. Of course they weren't lucky enough to just run into him. In fact, the streets were completely void of passersby.
"Great. Now what?" Freddie placed his bagpack on a low stone wall and unzipped it, revealing a stack of posters and some tape.

"Now we hang these up all around the place. If you see him, you tell me. I'll turn on my charm and talk him into joining the band. Should be easy enough."
"Alright." Ben grabbed one of the tape rolls and half of the posters. Without much enthusiasm, he followed Freddie around while keeping an eye out for John. His thoughts kept trailing off. He would much rather be with Roger right now. Last night Ben had started to plan the date he was going to take Roger out to. That was the next best thing he could do to distract himself when he was overcome by certain fantasies about Roger late at night. Sharing a room with Freddie was fun overall, but it did have its contra points.

Soon every poster was taped to a lantern post or tree. The only way John wasn't going to see them was if he didn't go outside at all.
"Good work," Freddie said with a pleased expression on his face. Ben was beginning to feel antsy.
"Can we go home then?", he asked. Freddie chuckled.
"Missing your boyfriend already?"
"He is not my boyfriend yet," Ben sighed.
"But you want him to be, don't you?" Freddie sat down on a public bench by the road. Ben followed his lead. His feet were starting to hurt after walking around for so long.
"I mean... Yeah. But do you think I'm really good enough for him?", he asked carefully. Freddie looked bewildered. This was the first time Ben had expressed this concern to him.
"What are you talking about dear, of course you are good enough for him."
"I don't know. I just can't shake the feeling that I'm being selfish. That it would be better for him if he was with someone else instead." Freddie shook his head.
"Absolutely not. You should have seen this boy's exes. They didn't give a shit about him. Only dated him for his looks. Seriously, I'm glad that he has you. And I know he is too."
"Thanks, Freddie. It feels good to hear that," Ben said truthfully. Freddie put a hand on Ben's shoulder and smiled.
"Hey, I'm just telling you how it is. Now, wanna go home to your not-yet-boyfriend?" Ben rolled his eyes, but smiled.

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting on Monday, I am having a bit of a hard time writing right now. I might have to limit updates to once a week for now, but if I can somehow managed it, I will get back to the usual schedule soon.
Until next time then!


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