Chapter 30

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Soon everyone was back in Ben’s hospital room. Freddie and his group of helpers had returned with entirely too many different kinds of snacks that looked like they definitely weren’t from the hospital, yet probably shouldn’t be consumed anywhere but here in this combination. At least Ben didn't think it was smart to mix extra spicy chips and sour gums with chocolate and four different kinds of energy drinks.

As Ben still wasn’t feeling his best, he didn’t actively partake in the conversations his friends were having, but he was glad to have them around nonetheless. He didn’t want to admit it, but being alone at a hospital was something that had always scared him a little.

A few minutes before midnight, a loud noise could be heard from outside the building. Ben looked up to the window, where he saw bright red and yellow sparks. The fireworks were starting.
"Are you getting a good view from there, Ben?", Freddie asked him.
"Yeah, it's good enough."

Roger sat down at the edge of Ben's bed while the others gathered in front of the large window. They all watched in awe as the sky lit up in all colors of the rainbow.
"This is beautiful," Roger whispered.
Ben turned to look at his face. The fireworks were reflecting in his eyes.
"Yeah. So beautiful," he swooned.
Roger hid his smile by kissing Ben's cheek.
"You're the one who's beautiful," he mumbled against his skin.

"Everybody quiet, it's almost time for the countdown!", Freddie interrupted them, pointing at the clock on the wall.
"Is that thing even accurate?", Brian asked skeptically.
"Um... We'll just pretend that it is," Freddie decided.
"Doesn't anybody have a watch?", Clare asked.
Everybody shook their heads. She sighed.

Freddie ignored her and started to count down from ten. When he reached zero, Roger grabbed Ben's face and kissed him aggressively. A surprised moan escaped Ben's mouth. He panicked for a second, but luckily, the others were shouting loud enough to make it inaudible to themselves.

"Happy New Year 1971!", they called out in unison. That truly wasn't something Ben thought he'd ever hear outside of a film set. Roger smirked at Ben when he broke the kiss.
"Surprise," he said, and bit his lip.
Ben felt his face getting hot.
"That was not fair," he complained under his breath. Roger laughed.
"I'm not sorry. It will happen again."
"What will happen again?", Mary asked.
"Nothing," Ben muttered.
Clare raised an eyebrow at her brother, whose face was still inches away from Ben's.
"Some very gay shit, by the looks of it," she said.

The next two hours went by far too fast for Ben's liking. The nurses came back to send his friends home, and they quickly had to say their goodbye's.
"Good night Ben, get well." Brian gave him a hug before he and Mary left the room. Next, Deaky stepped forward, a bag of potato chips and a can with salted peanuts in his hands.

"I saved you these in case you get hungry tonight," he explained.
Ben smiled.
"Thanks. That's quite thoughtful."
Deaky hid the food in the drawer of Ben's nightstand, as neither of them were sure if he was actually allowed to have them.
"See you later today. You better be ready to come home by then," Freddie told him.
"We will see," Ben said.

Roger gave him another kiss.
"Good night, rest up. I'll be back in the morning," he whispered softly.
Ben held on to his hands.
"Technically it is morning, why don't you just stay?"
Roger sighed.
"I wish I could."
Hesitantly, Ben let go of him.
"Bye!" Clare waved from the door.
"Bye. And good night," Ben said, and watched as the three left his room.

Immediately the uncomfortable hospital atmosphere got to him. It was too dark in the unfamiliar room to see anything but creepy shadows, but at the same time the small lights from the monitors were too bright to let him sleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, but that didn't help against the beeping of the machines in his room and the one next door. Suddenly, the realization hit him. It was this exact noise that he had heard while he was blacked out.

Then he remembered what else he had heard, and he was wide awake again. Was that another hallucination, or was it possible that he had actually heard Gwilym? Ben wished he had remembered this sooner. Now that the others were gone, he had to wait for hours before he could talk to somebody about it. With no other option, he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes again.

Sleep didn't come over him for a long time. The sun was already beginning to rise when he finally began to doze off. But before he was fully asleep, he heard a doctor coming in. Too tired to care, he didn't look up.
"I can't say for sure, but it looks like he will wake up soon," the doctor said.
"You can stay with him for a bit."
Ben was a little confused, but still didn't move.

He could hear footsteps when the doctor left the room. Thinking he was alone now, Ben relaxed. Until he heard him again. First a deep sigh, then he spoke, his voice remorseful.
"I'm sorry, Ben."
"Gwil?!", he gasped.
But when Ben looked up, there was no one there. His heart started to race as the words were echoing in his head. I'm sorry.

The door opened a crack, and Ben held his breath. Francis peaked inside.
"Did you just call for someone?"
Ben slowly sat up. Should he say something? This was a hospital, afterall. If he was really hallucinating, this was where he could get help. But something told him that this was real.
"No," he said. Francis squinted, confused.
"Oh. Sorry. Could've sworn I heard something." He closed the door again. Ben sighed deeply.
"Yeah. Me too," he whispered to himself.


Hey guys! You don't mind another cliffhanger, do you? Don't worry, it'll all pay off in the end... At least for me. I'll see you next week,


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