Chapter 26

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In the early afternoon Roger and Ben went to pick Clare up from the bus stop. She had brought a couple of suitcases and bags with her that they helped her carry up the stairs to their apartment. They left them in a corner of the living room for now, they would have to wait until Freddie returned in a couple of hours before they could discuss how they were going to divide the bedrooms from now on.

They all sat down in the living room with hot tea and leftover biscuits so Clare got a chance to calm down and tell them in more detail what had happened.
"So this morning when I came downstairs dad was still going on about how dissapointed he was in you for what you 'did to him'. Mom was just sitting there and didn't even try to defend you."
Ben noticed that Roger was getting tense. He put an arm around his shoulder for comfort.

"So, of course I got mad. I asked them if they were really just going to act like you're not a part of the family anymore just because of your sexuality. And guess what dad's response to that was? 'It doesn't matter, at least we still have one normal child.' And then I told him that they don't."

Ben sighed.
"I'm sorry. For both of you. No parent should ever act like that. It's just ridiculous."
"Well, it's not like your family was any better," Roger said. Ben took a sip from his mug so he didn't have to answer. He was really starting to wish he had come up with a different story instead.

"Oh? How did your family react?", Clare asked with peaked interest. Ben cursed internally.
"Pretty much like yours," he mumbled.
"I'm sorry," Clare said.
"Don't be, it's fine. I am doing more than alright now," Ben said, looking lovingly at Roger.

"By the way," Clare changed the subject, "how long have you two known that you're into guys?"
"Well," Ben and Roger said at the same time.
"Oh, sorry, you go first," Ben giggled.
"No, you go first," Roger said.
"No, you."
"The sooner you're done talking, the sooner I get my turn."
Ben sighed dramatically.
"You already sound like an old married couple," Clare said. Roger threw a cushion at her.

"Anyway," Ben began, "I thought I was straight for the longest time. I started questioning maybe five or six years ago, but I never had feelings for a guy, so I thought maybe everyone thinks that all genders are physically attractive, if that makes sense?"
Clare nodded.
"Yeah it does."
"Then I had my first crush on a male friend about two years ago. Then I knew for sure I was bi."

"I see. Now it's your turn, Rog."
"I've known since highschool," he said.
"And how did you know?", Ben asked when he didn't continue. Roger brought his knees up to his chest, squirming into the corner of the sofa, away from Ben.
"Don't really wanna talk about it," he mumbled.

"Oh come on, Ben told his story too," Clare pushed him. A faint blush appeared on Roger's face.
"It has something to do with gym class. That's all I'm gonna say."
"Yeah okay, maybe I don't wanna know," Clare laughed. Ben smirked at him.
"I do."
"Clare, your turn," was all Roger said.

"Alright." She finished the biscuit she was eating before telling her story.
"So, for me it was a little bit different because I always kind of knew that I liked girls. But it's like Ben said earlier, I thought everyone probably feels that way. I mean, women are just objectively superior."

"You're lucky I'm out of cushions to throw," Roger interrupted her.
"I'm just kidding. Anyway, I thought that everyone felt that way and that it didn't mean I wasn't straight. Which I realize now makes no sense but yeah."
"I guess it does make sense to think that way though. It's not always easy to admit to yourself that you're not what everyone tells you you're supposed to be," Ben said. Clare nodded.
"True, that."

"Oh, Clare. One more thing we need to discuss," Roger suddenly remembered.
"Did our parents say anything about your finances? Are they giving you any money?"
Clare shook her head with an apologetic look in her eyes.
"We didn't talk about that. But I assume not."

"Well, it would be better to ask them. I know you don't want to talk to them but I can't really afford to pay for your food and everything," Roger explained. Clare sighed.
"Yeah I know. But you're right, I really don't want to talk to them right now."
"It doesn't have to be today. But better sooner than later."

"Okay, I'll try to call them in the next couple of days," Clare agreed.
"And maybe think about getting a part time job aswell? I know you're still really busy with school, but I wouldn't rely on our parents anymore if I were you," Roger advised her.

They continued to talk until the evening. Eventually Roger and Clare decided to make dinner together. After a bit of bickering they agreed on tomato soup and garlic bread. Meanwhile Ben read a few chapters of a novel on the sofa. He looked up when Freddie came through the door.
"Hiya Fred!", he greated him.
"Heya darlings!" Freddie looked around the corner.
"And Clare?", he added slightly confused. "Yes. Hi." She briefly raised her hand before tending to the soup on the stove again.

"So, fun news, Fred," Roger began.
"We have another roommate now."
Freddie slowly turned his head in Ben's direction.
"He's joking, right?"
"Nope." Ben pointed to the pile of Clare's bags in the corner of the room.
"Okay... I'm gonna need you to elaborate on that."
"Ya girl's a lesbian. Ya girl's parents don't like that," Clare briefly explained.
"Oh. Sounds like you had a great weekend," Freddie cringed. Roger nodded.
"The best ever."

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