Chapter 41

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The following months were easier on the band. Freddie had started going on dates with Jim, who had since become their number one fan and supporter. Brian, John and Freddie got their final exams over with, and Roger had signed up for a biology course after the summer. Until then, nobody really knew what to do with themselves. Or rather, until Freddie decided it for them.

"We are recording an album," he announced one day while they were all gathered at the studio. The reactions were a lot less excited than he had seemingly expected. Brian raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not sure now is the best time for that, Fred," he said.
"Oh don't be such a buzzkill," Freddie complained.
"We can't afford an album," John said.
A smirk appeared on Freddie's face.
"Except, my dear, we can."
"And with what money?", John challenged him.
"Well. Surely you all remember my friend Tanya?"

"How could we forget?", Roger mumbled. Ben tightened the grip on his hand that he had been holding. Freddie strode up and down the room as he continued.
"I may have been nagging her about the incident a bit. She is of course terribly sorry about what happened at her party. And as you all could see, her parents are quite wealthy."
Roger interrupted him.
"So what you're saying is you guilt tripped her into giving you money for what happened to me and you are planning to use it on an album?"

"I wouldn't phrase it like that, but yes, essentially."
"You know what, fair enough," Roger sighed.
"Is it though?", Ben asked sceptically.
"It's not worth fighting about," Roger said.
"I assume she already gave you the money anyway?"
Freddie nodded.
"Yes. And I may have already rented a recording studio as well."
"Of course you did," Brian mumbled.

Freddie turned around to him in one swift motion.
"What are your objections, Mr Poodle?"
Brian raised his hands defensively.
"I just don't think we're quite ready yet."
"Oh, what could go wrong? We have Ben. With his help, this is going to be a walk in the park. No pun intended, poodle man."
"Actually, I would appreciate it if you didn't rely on me too much," Ben interjected.
"I may know what the songs are supposed to sound like, but I can't help you beyond that."

Freddie flicked his wrist dismissively.
"It'll be fine. We have a whole month to prepare."
Ben's eyes went wide.
"A month? Are you joking?"
Brian sighed deeply.
"Why do we keep letting this man get away with making the most horrendous decisions for us?"
"Now you are just being rude." Freddie pouted.
John got up from his place on the floor and grabbed his bass.
"The way I see it, we might aswell start practicing."
Freddie nodded approvingly.
"That's the spirit."

They stayed at the studio for longer than usual. It was almost midnight when they decided to call it a day. They walked the first bit of the way together, before John and Freddie had to go in a different direction than the rest of them. Ben and Freddie were walking a little slower than the others, talking quietly to one another.

"You still haven't told Rog about the song, have you?", Freddie inquired. The two of them had written the lyrics together a while ago. Once they were done, they had gotten Brian on bord, and he composed the melody. In the end, the song turned out similar in style to Love of my Life.

Ben shook his head.
"No. I always want to wait for a better moment. But I'm starting to think it won't come."
"What do you say we surprise him with it when we are recording the album?", Freddie suggested.
"That might be a good idea," Ben agreed.
"Thanks again for all the help."
"You're more than welcome," Freddie said.

Soon the group parted ways, and Ben and Roger walked home hand in hand. It was dark enough outside for them to be able to risk it.
"Darling, can I ask you something?", Ben said after a while.
Roger looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
"Are you really okay with what Freddie did or did you just not want to say anything?"
"Well, I can't say I'm happy about it. But it's fine. It's for the good of the band."
"You know that we could have easily found a better way to get the money together, right?"

Roger shrugged, but the look on his face showed his discomfort.
"I guess. But it doesn't matter now."
"Yes, it does," Ben insisted.
"If you're not okay with it, you should tell Freddie that. You said you would work on standing up for yourself, and that's part of it too."
Roger sighed.

They walked in silence for a while before Roger cleared his throat.
Ben looked up to him.
"Yes, darling?"
"Thank you for asking. I know it shouldn't, but it still kind of surprises me how much you care."
Ben stopped and looked around. Nobody else was to be seen in the streets. He took the opportunity and pulled Roger in for a kiss. Roger's eyes were wide with surprise when he pulled back.
"Of course I care," Ben said.
"I love you."
Roger smiled softly.
"I love you too," he whispered.

When they got home, they quickly went through their nighttime routine and snuggled up in bed together. They were both quite exhausted after the long day. Ben had his eyes closed, resting his head on Roger's chest. Nothing was more calming to him than listening to the beat of his boyfriend's heart. Roger held him tightly in his arms.

"Honey?", Ben whispered.
"Yes, love?", Roger mumbled, his voice deep from tiredness.
"I have been thinking about something. About what I said back when I first told you I was from the future."
Roger shifted underneath him, his interest was peaked.
"What exactly do you mean?"
"I told you I didn't know what I would do if I had the option to go back. Now I feel stupid for even considering that. I could never be happy without you again. I couldn't live without you."

Before Ben knew what was happening, Roger had trapped him under himself and was covering his face in kisses.
"Hey!" Ben giggled.
"I. Love. You. So. Much," Roger uttered between kisses.
Ben brought his hands up to Roger's face. To his surprise, his skin felt wet.
"Are you crying?"
Roger interrupted his attack.
"I'm just so happy. I didn't think you felt that way," he admitted.
Ben gently wiped the tears away from his face.
"Well, you better believe it. I love you more than anything, my gorgeous, perfect boyfriend."
"I love you too," Roger whispered, before leaning in for yet another kiss.

Hey guys! I hope you are not growing tired of all the fluff already. But fear not, more drama is on its way.


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