Roberto asks how she would trigger something if John, couldn't remember who he is, or anything about his family, friends, or earlier lives.

Dr. Alves says that the reason could be as simple as seeing a picture in a newspaper left by someone or having read something like the illness or death of a relative, and even though he didn't remember the person, somewhere in his subconscious, he knew she was family or something complicated. Dr.Alves adds that they need to talk to the young woman. Roberto says that they only took John, and didn't take the names of the young man (Antonio) and woman (Gina). Dr. Alves says that's too bad because she is key to helping John recover.

On Thursday, early morning, at a neighborhood near the university, police, arrest two of the four gang members who drugged and tried to rape Aranza, at the club. They also go to university and arrest the other two. Many students gathered to see the two, who were among, some of the most popular students, get arrested. Aurelio is glad the gang has been arrested and they can all go back to normal, and put the drama of the past day behind them.

Meanwhile, the news reaches Helena and Carlos. Helena receives a call from Flavio Basanez, a major business partner and father to Mauricio Basanez, the ringleader of the gang. Flavio is a close ally of Carlos. Flavio wants his son released. He says he can't have a minor disagreement ruining his son's reputation. Helena, Carlos, and Flavio go to the police station to inquire about the case. They try to look for loopholes but are told there is a medical report proving Aranza was drugged, and Mauricio did admit that he did it. Flavio asks if it is possible to get out his son on bail. The constable at the station says that the charges are serious and that since Mauricio admitted it there is very little that can be done.

Meanwhile, at Montes De Alba Inc.:

Hector is busy at work at his desk when he receives a call from Alejandro's secretary. Alejandro wants him in his office. Hector knows this won't be good. He knows Alejandro, is obsessed, with Adrianna, and he has never gotten over the fact that Adrianna moved on with him (Hector). Hector arrives at Alejandro's office. He can feel Alejandro stare at him. Hector sits and waits for Alejandro to initiate conversation. Alejandro says that they have to talk about Adrianna and waits for a reaction. Hector listens without saying a word. Alejandro says he will not waste both their times, and so he will get straight to the point.

Alejandro adds that he does not think Hector is good enough for Adrianna. Alejandro says that Adrianna is a lady who is used to and deserves the best in life and not the mediocre life he is offering her. Still, Hector does not react. Alejandro is irritated that he has gotten no reaction from Hector. Alejandro continues and says that he is not at the same level as Adrianna. Hector says that with all respect, it is not his place to speak for Adrianna because she is perfectly capable of doing that herself. Alejandro gets worked up and asks him why he is being rude.

Hector says he is not being rude, he is just stating a matter of fact. Alejandro calls him a useless servant. Hector wakes up to leave but Alejandro says he is not done. Alejandro tells Hector that he should know people. Hector says that he sees no point in continuing this conversation since all he (Alejandro) called him here to do was to insult him. Alejandro walks towards Hector and asks him if he thinks that he (Alejandro) is stupid for calling him here. Hector says that he doesn't really care and then leaves before Alejandro starts another fight.

Meanwhile, at the police station, the constable says that the earliest they can arrange bail given the amount of evidence is the next Monday. Flavio swears that Aurelio will pay for his son sleeping in jail.

Elsewhere, Antonio is in his cubicle when he sees Emma coming towards him. He is surprised when she stops near him. Emma says she wants to talk to him. When they are alone he asks her, what's happening, because he can tell something's wrong. Emma says she has been told that Alejandro called Hector into his office, and knowing him it wasn't for anything good, he was using the opportunity that Helena and his (Antonio's) father were not around to torture him. Antonio says he is not shocked, because Alejandro is crazy and capable of doing anything.

Later that night:

Antonio is reading a newspaper as he waits for Gina to finish getting ready. Meanwhile, she pauses and sits on the bed in the guest room. This lie is getting more complicated and she feels worse. Will Antonio, Adrianna, Aurelio, and Aranza forgive them? Gina stands and leaves the room. She then announces to Antonio that she is ready. As (almost ) always, she is dressed in green. She has chosen a strapless emerald green gown, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders. She is wearing the set of jewelry, he bought her. Antonio turns around and as always is blown away by how breathtakingly beautiful she is. She asks him how she looks. Antonio comes and kisses her. Gina pulls away and tells him that she is afraid of meeting his grandparents. Antonio assures her that he will be there for her, to give her strength.

Meanwhile, Adrianna and Hector are at his friend's house. Adrianna goes to Hector's side as he is fixing his phone on a charger. He turns and sees her. He asks her if she is okay. She says she wants to thank him. He says loving her isn't that torturous. She smiles, and playfully punches him. Adrianna says she wanted to thank him for always being so nice to Aranza, and being there when she needed him, to guide her. Adrianna says that Aranza loves him, and sees him like an older brother. Hector pauses momentarily when Adrianna says that Aranza sees him like an older brother, and then says Aranza is charming, and he sees her like a younger sister. Adrianna says that she really means it, because some people would get irritated and impatient, with Aranza's sometimes endless energy. Hector says (to himself), that Aranza is his sister, and he loves her as she is.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now