Chapter seventeen

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*Lizzie's pov*

I kicked the tree angrily, "stupid stupid stupid!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth- ignoring the pain shooting through my foot.

"Gonna keep attacking that poor tree?" Hope asked from behind me, I jumped as I turned around, a blush formed on my face. "You weren't supposed to see that" I muttered as I looked towards the ground, "well it's one am, the time you told me to come" she pointed out.

It was already one am?

My brows furrowed in confusion, "it can't be one am, I left my room at about twelve and I've only been doing this for...." I trailed off; "I've been doing this for an hour" I muttered. "I guess time flies when you're having fun or in your case attacking nature" Hope teased with a smile, "I must've lost track of time" I admitted. "So why'd you tell me to meet you here?" the tribid changed subjects which I was grateful for.

My mouth opened to speak but then I realised something, I don't even know why, I don't know why I dragged Hope out into the woods at my time of distress. "Lizzie?" Hope pried me out of my thoughts, small tears welled up in my eyes- I was a waste of time.

Hope wasn't given the opportunity to speak though, I felt my legs shake and my head feel even lighter than before. Hope was quick to help, helping me move to a nearby log to sit on; this is usually where students hangout in the summer and it's been accommodated as such. Once I sat down I briefly closed my eyes, only now realising a built up headache. "Fuck" I grumbled "Lizzie you almost fainted and all you have to say is fuck?!" Hope exclaimed, this made me groan and rub my temples "keep it down please, my head hurts like a bitch" I scolded.

"What happened?" her voice was much quieter this time, "I don't know I was stood there and then my head felt like it was being spun around" I recalled the moment. "Have you eaten today?" Hope inquired, of course I had eaten! "yeah I had a lunch with my mom and.." my voice came to a halt.

It had only just dawned on me that I was trying to avoid Penelope so I had missed breakfast, missing dinner was a no brainer given the argument me and me family had. I had been so wrapped up in everything that I had forgotten to eat. Hope looked at me, expecting me to say more however there was nothing to add "I had lunch with my mom and that was it" I concluded.

The concerned look Hope gave me made me feel ashamed, "i'm sorry" I mumbled- embarrassed.

"Don't apologise to me, it's not as if you starved me" Hope tried to joke, I couldn't muster anything more than a small smile. I sighed, "can you promise me something?" the tribid questioned, I looked up at her with a questioning look on my face "depends" I told her.

"That we can go back to the school, go the kitchen and get you something to eat then we can go to my room and talk about whatever you wanted to talk about" Hope said, I gave a nod "I can do that" I replied, Hope immediately smiled at me "perfect".

There was one problem though.

When I attempted to stand up, my legs were made of jelly, well not literally but still! I was also met with a headache. My mind felt like it was in a blender, except it was lined with spikes on every side.

I sat back down, my failed attempt to stand up was pitiful and humiliating. Hope seemed to think for a moment, before I could say anything she had picked me up, bride style. "Hope put me down" I exclaimed through gritted teeth, "why?" she asked "because you can't carry me, you're too...".

"Weak?" she inquired annoyed, "I was gonna say short but that works too" I said. "I'm part werewolf" she deadpanned, "plus it's like carrying a big dog" she reasoned "wow thanks for comparing me to a dog" I said unimpressed. "You know I didn't mean it like that" Hope reasoned, she had a smile on her face that showed her amusement. I rolled my eyes knowing I didn't have many choices in this situation, "if you mention this to anyone, I'll bite you which is fitting since you called me a bitch" I threatened, Hope smiled "sure" she agreed.


*Third person pov*

Lizzie felt relief when they made it to the kitchen, fortunately nobody had seen her or she would've died of embarrassment!

She felt more relief when Hope put her down, "we should do that again some time" Hope joked however Lizzie didn't share her sense of humour; she glared at the tribid. "Okay okay i'll stop teasing" Hope said, "can we just get the food and leave" Lizzie changed the subject.

The tribid obliged, not wanting the blonde to be annoyed and frustrated- well more than she already was. Without uttering a word, Hope walked up to the fridge and opened it up. She scanned the fridge for a minute, Hope pulled out two tubs and placed them on the counter. The blonde looked confused, "vanilla or chocolate" Hope asked "why are we having ice cream?" Lizzie questioned back.

Hope strugged "so vanilla or chocolate?" she asked again, "chocolate" Lizzie complied "nothing is better than chocolate" she mumbled. The vanilla tub was placed back into the fridge, swiftly after two bowls were taken from the cabinets along with chocolate syrup. They both stayed in a peaceful silence while Hope dished out the ice cream, Lizzie did her part by putting the syrup on, she debated on whether to add sprinkles but decided against it.

She didn't want a sugar rush.

Everything was seemingly going perfect, keyword seemingly. When Hope went to grab spoons they suddenly heard footsteps, Lizzie felt mortified and her eyes widened. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" she mumbled over and over again. "Lizzie it's fine, nobodies going to care if we're hanging out" Hope attempted to reassure, the witch was not having it though.

She shook her head before sitting down against the counter, effectively hiding herself from whoever was about to enter that door. She brought a finger to her lips, urging Hope to stay quiet about her position.

Lizzie didn't think she could handle everyone knowing about this so soon, she was barely handling it herself!


Authors note

So hey, got writers block and my mh dropped so took a slight break however I wrote this. I don't know when the next update will be but thank you for being patient, I wrote this in class so may not be the best but deal with it. Thank you for all the kudos<33


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