Chapter six

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*third person pov*

Hope was about to open her mouth when Lizzie beat her to it- some may say cut her to it, bad joke? okay. "Leave!" Lizzie said through gritted teeth, "no" Hope replied "no?" the blonde was confused.

"If i leave you'll do it again" the tribid pointed out; "Hope i swear to god if you don't leave i will make your life a living hell" Lizzie threatened. Hope didn't move an inch at Lizzie's threat, Lizzie really didn't intend on that happening so now she didn't know what to do.

Luckily for the witch she had longer to think about it, there was a knock on the bathroom door "Hope?" Kaleb said from behind the door, it was the girls restroom so he couldn't go in. Hope opened the door an inch to see him standing outside "the game is starting soon so we need you back to discuss the game-plan" he explained, Lizzie could feel relief washing over her. Hope looked back at the blonde.

"I'll be out in a second, i need to wash my hands" Hope told him and he nodded "don't take too long, if i'm gone for too long then Mg will try to become captain" Kaleb said, Hope forced a small smile as she nodded.

The bathroom door was closed again, the tribid turned back towards Lizzie "we're gonna be talking about this later" she informed her.

Not wanting to cause any suspicion Hope turned on the faucet, she used the soap dispenser before washing off the soapy substance. Deeming her hands clean enough she grabbed a paper towel and dried them, Lizzie watched as she placed the used tissues in the trash.

She was about to leave when she turned back swiftly, "i'm not letting this slide" she warned Lizzie who merely huffed- she would do anything possible to prevent Hope's questions.

In a few seconds Hope had left the bathroom.

Lizzie moved away and then knelt down to retrieve the metal piece she had dropped, she had cringed slightly thinking about how dirty the floor was. The blonde ran it under the faucet for a minute or so, she didn't want any infections from the bathroom floor; she may be suicidal but she isn't stupid.

She placed the blade in her pocket safely, now it was time to deal with her jersey. Lizzie sucked in a breath as she peeled the fabric from her skin, the blood seemed to be like glue. She accessed how it had stained her shirt and it wasn't too bad from what she could see. Mentally, she made a plan on what she would do: clean the jersey, clean her stomach as best as possible and then put on a hell of an act to Hope to pretend she was fine.

She could do it.

Deciding not to waste time she got to work on her first task, she applied a small bit of soap onto the stain before washing it off with water, she made sure to gently scrub until the hint of red was no longer that noticeable.

It didn't take her long on the second task; she was so used to doing it anyways so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Lizzie slightly regretted not bringing bandages when she could feel the stinging from the bare wounds- oh well she thought to herself.

Looking in the bathroom mirror her eyes were glossy, she placed her hands on either side of the sink and took a deep breath. Lizzie blinked away the tears that had invaded her eyes, she could not afford to be asked any questions right now, Dayna was not going to see her this way. "It's going to be okay" the Saltzman twin mumbled to herself as a mantra, it was going to be okay.


*Lizzie's pov*

I sat on the bleachers as the team played the game, my eyes seemed to focus on Hope every couple of minutes- i quickly averted them everytime. As per routine the Salvatore Stallions were losing and painfully so, they would've done much better if i had been up there with them obviously.

When i saw Hope glancing my way i crossed my arms over my stomach, a coping method i guess.

It felt as though her eyes were burning into me, in a matter of miliseconds her attention was back on the game. I observed as Josie was passed the ball only to hit it like a vollyball, sometimes i wonder how we're related.

"I wonder that a lot too" a voice said from behind me making me jump, i didn't realise i had said that out loud. I looked back to see Penelope holding a bottle of water in her hands; "how could someone like Josie be related to you" she stated. Not in the mood for her bullshit i turned back towards the game.

Being the attention deficient witch she was she couldn't leave me alone, "this seat taken?" she questioned "it is" i responded, Penelope sat down beside me anyways. I moved slightly away from her wanting to keep the distance- she didn't appear to mind. "Water?" she offered holding the bottle out to me, "it's not poisioned" she followed up with as she noticed my look of disgust "it may as well be".

"Suit yourself" she said as she took a sip of the water.

Wanting to forget about her presence i didn't offer anything in response, i turned back to the game hoping to see them score at least one point. "Josie looks so good in that jersey don't you think?" she tried getting under my skin "on second thought i'll take that water" i said.

"Nice try, i heard about your little stunt the other day" Penelope held the water out of reach, "oh yeah, wouldn't want you to burn or anything" i stated the obvious.

She was clearly the wicked witch of the west.

Penelope stood up "better go back, i'll get a better view of your darling sister" the witch said, "be careful around the water so you don't melt" i said. "You're honestly so kind" she sarcastically replied "i pride myself on it" i smiled.

She resumed her place at the water stand shortly after, i watched the game in silence and i could practically feel Kaleb's eyeroll at everyone's mistakes- there was a lot of then. When half time was called the Salvatore Stallions had a measly three points which was embarrassing compared to the other teams score.

"Half-time!" upon hearing it i felt dread, i was practically asking for Hope to come over and talk to me. Not allowing myself to be a sitting duck i decided i would go and talk to Josie, i could protect her from she who shall not be named whilst doing so, i was mother theresa at this point. I winced slightly as i stood up; wounds on the stomach weren't the most ideal place when moving around however they were easily covered up.

I was about to call over Josie when my attention was pulled elsewhere, "it's been no fun without you on the field" Dayna stood in front of me as she spoke "sorry to hear that" i said.

I attempted to walk past her although she prevented me from doing so. "Not so fast i've not had my fun yet" she told me "so what is the actual reason you're not playing?" Dayna pried, "i would assume they would let the psychos have some fun, can't keep them trapped inside all year right?" she attempted to joke. Dayna frowned at my silence "did you have a breakdown or something?" she questioned.

"Slit your wrists too deep and now you can't use them too much?".

All the air was sucked away from my lungs in that moment, i instinctively placed my arms behind my back. "Think fast Lizzie!" Hope abruptly shouted from afar as a ball went flying through the air, without having any time to react it hit Dayna who turned red in anger. A small laugh escaped my lips at the sight.

Dayna turned around to see her attacker, "oops sorry, it was meant for Lizzie but since im so bad at football i misaimed" Hope explained- she didn't look too sorry for her actions. I removed the small smile that tugged my lips, i didn't need any help from Hope Mikaelson.

The ball was picked up by Dauna who threw it carelessly at the tribid; it didn't have the intended effect as Hope caught it though.

At this point Dayna was fifty shades of red with anger, embarrassment and hatred. "Crazies" she muttered under her breath as she turned back to me, "next time keep your freaky girlfriend in check, i would hate to see her 'accidentally' get tackled and get a broken ankle" Dayna tried to imtimidate me, now it was my turn to become red- did she say girlfriend?

"She's not my girlfriend" i hastily defended "could've fooled me with the whole knight act" she said, i stayed silent. She must've gotten tired of me because she walked past me but not before bumping shoulders with me.

I looked back towards Hope who stared at the floor trying to appear to be innocent, from the look on her face i could tell she heard the conversation.

Stupid Tribid hearing!

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