Chapter one

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*third person pov*

Lizzie's sleeve was rolled up as she observed last nights destruction, she had told herself prior to last night that she was really getting clean now- not that it lasted long. She made it three days, three days before she finally snapped. More guilt consumed her the longer she looked at her damage.

"Lizzie?" Josie's voice made her hastily yank her sleeve down, "coming in a minute" Lizzie offered a smile as she tried her best to act normal. Josie didn't spare her a second glare; why would she? she had no reason to be suspicous.

After standing up the blonde readjusted her uniform, somebody was coming to view the school today so of course the Saltzman twins had to be front and centre. Sometimes Lizzie felt like a show animal, smiling and offering polite introductions to yet another stranger, it was for her dad though so she wouldn't even think to complain about it. The blonde felt her dad had been through enough with having to deal with her.

She took a swift look in the mirror and she deemed her outfit neat enough, she left the room with her freshly brushed hair and a smile painted on her face.

It didn't take her long to reach the front of the school, a redheaded girl stood beside Lizzie's father. Lizzie took her place beside Josie "welcome to the Salvatore school" she began "we're your tour guides".

"Im Josie" the brunette pitched in, "I'm Lizzie, sisters" Lizzie spoke "twins" Josie added.

The redhead didn't say anything in return, the twins didn't take it to heart; they had met practically thousands of new people and understood the nerves she must be feeling. "Girls this is Eleanor, she's a witch" Alaric introduced her "we're witches too" Josie tried to make the girl feel at ease.

The girl who they had just learned was named Eleanor smiled at Josie slightly, "I'll leave you girls to it whilst i talk to her mother" Alaric spoke again. Lizzie and Josie wasted no time in going to either side of the girl, they happened to tower over the 5'2 girl, "we'll start from inside the school" Lizzie informed Eleanor- she had no objections to this. The twins guided her through the doors and they were met with students talking in their own groups.

"Everyone gets along with everyone here, for the most part" Josie reassured as they continued with their tour, Lizzie nodded at her words "besides the wolves, they're pretty cliquey but you'll be with the witches" Lizzie said. They walked further until they reached a classroom; the door had glass panes so they were able to see inside clearly.

The trio looked in, "thats our librarian Mr Williams, he's subbing for our chemistry of magic teacher who accidentally incinerated himself" The brunette said, "really?" Eleanor spoke scaredly "don't worry he didn't leave a scar" Lizzie joked. They watched as Mr Williams taught "now this language has been carefully crafted over centuries, so you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables".

"But you'd be very wrong about that because otherwise a love charm can become a what?" He questioned "Hope show us" Mr Williams instructed, Lizzie's face scrunched up at the mention of the tribid. They watched as Hope purposely messed up the spell resulting in a stink bomb.

"That's Hope, she's also a witch" Josie introduced the auburn haired girl that they were watching, "It's suprising really, you'd think she was a vampire from how cold she is" Lizzie joked. Josie elbowed her which encited a glare from Lizzie; "what? its true even you know" she pointed out- Josie elected not to say anything more.

There was an awkward silence before Josie clapped her hands together "why don't we show you the dorms?".


They had shown Eleanor myraids of places at this point: the dorms, the cafeteria, the school library and the turret, Lizzie had fun telling Eleanor about how the seniors smoked there. They were now at their last place which was outside, there was a game occuring on the field that Eleanor couldn't quite depict. "It's called wickery, my parents invented it when we were ten" the blonde enlightened the girl.

"Their version is a little less violent than ours" Lizzie continued with her story whilst Josie walked away, going to sit with MG instead. Lizzie had no trouble keeping the stories going; starting off with the time Alyssa Chang made a broomstick fly, all of this seemed to interest the shorter girl.

She was mid sentence when she caught sight of Hope in the bleachers, the witch was merely reading a book. Her face turned into a scowl as she thought about the girl she was so desperately trying to forget- not that it ever worked. Hope didn't look up however it didn't change Lizzie's scowl.

Lizzie glared whilst not saying anything, Josie who had been observing from a distance quickly stood up from the bleachers. "Lizzie-" Josie began as she snapped the blonde out of whatever trance she was in, "i'd suggest you avoid her" Lizzie said bitterly in reference to Hope; Josie was about to speak up when Lizzie cut her off again "now come on Ellie, we can watch the ending". Due to the unpleasent distraction she had accidentally forgotten the girls name.

"It's Eleanor" the redhead said and Lizzie tried laughing off her mistake "dumb blonde moment".

She gently took ahold of Eleanors arm directing her to the bleachers, "wickery isn't going to watch itself" she said as Josie gave her a wary look; she didn't know why Josie was giving her that look as she was clearly fine! everyone gets distracted sometimes!

They both sat down and watched Wickery, Lizzie would spare a glance to Hope every few seconds- her frustration about the girl bubbling inside of her.

Bloody tissues Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant