Chapter seven

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*third person pov*

Lizzie pursed her lips as Hope walked over to her, football in hand. "I didn't need your help" the blonde said as she looked to the ground, a tad sheepish at the need for the tribids aid.

"Are you okay?" Hope questioned, ignoring the blondes rather rude previous statement. Lizzie didn't answer the girls question at first until a few minutes of silence occured; she was not going to budge on the matter. "I'm fine" Lizzie muttered as she messed with the ends of her hair- her attempt to distract herself from Hope. Her answer recieved a nod from Hope "she doesn't know what she's talking about" she replied.

Lizzie almost snorted at this "you don't have to tell me that twice about that bint".

After letting a small bit of laughter out she suddenly felt the need to put her guard up again, she pursed her lips and glared at the tribid, Hope was confused at the sudden change in personality however she didn't say anything. "i'm going to go talk to Josie, why don't you go somewhere where you're actually wanted" Lizzie remarked.

She walked away soon after that, she didn't understand why she had said the final bit- she felt guilty. Lizzie tried shaking off the pit she felt in her stomach as she walked over to Josie, 'she's not innocent, it's deserved' the witch reminded herself as she strolled.

By the time she met up with Josie fortunately the spiteful witch was talking to MG, "i think Kaleb is gonna kill you if you don't catch the ball next time" Lizzie said. Josie looked quite frankly exhausted "i hate football" she grumbled, "i couldn't tell from watching you on the field" the blonde offered her sarcasm leading Josie to sigh, "enough about football..why were you talking to Hope?" Josie inquired after seeing the whole interaction.

The brunette took a drink from the waterbottle in her hand, "nothing" Lizzie replied swiftly which made Josie send her a questioning glance, "she was asking me for advice on the field to which i told her to get lost" she nervously chuckled. "Why did she throw a ball at Dayna?" Josie questioned the part of the story which Lizzie left out, "god knows, you know how weird Hope is".

"Uh huh" she didn't sound completely convinced however it was enough of an answer for Lizzie.

Before the Saltzman twin even had a chance to ask more half-time was over, Lizzie gave a small wave to her sister who looked to be on the verge of a breakdown. "Good luck" she told Josie who tried to force a smile and a thumbs up.

As her sight strayed from Josie she glanced at the tribid, a painful reminder of the conversation she would have to try avoid later. Hope was most definitely a snitch and she couldn't deal with that right now.


The Salvatore Stallions had lost and painfully so.

The blonde was stood outside of the bus once the game had finished, she felt an hand grab hers "wha-" she began as she was dragged onto the bus. Lizzie was already being dragged to the back of the bus by Hope before she was able to protest.

"Sit" Hope said "you're insane" Lizzie scoffed, the tribid didn't move an inch "people need to sit down so sit" she made a valid point there. The witch sat down with a huff, without realising it she had sat at the window seat- the worst seat for escaping; Hope had planned this intentionally.

It didn't her long to realise what the auburn haired girl had done, by now most people had sat down so it would've been a hassle to move anywhere else, she was stuck in the corner of the bus with the tribid. "Right now a game of eye spy really sounds appealing, don't you think?" Lizzie tried distracting Hope with her pitiful humour, "we could even play uno, i'm not picky" she continued.

She sighed in defeat "just torture me now, get it over and done with" Lizzie told her, "i'm not doing this to torture you, i care about you Lizzie" Hope responded. The blonde felt the need to laugh at Hope's words "okay i get this is fun for you but you don't need to lie" she was sick of Hope.

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