Chapter two

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*third person pov*

"I don't get why you like her" Lizzie voiced her thoughts, currently she was sat on the edge of her bed talking to Josie who was on the floor doing her homework. The brunette was laid on her stomach and she would look up ever so often.

"She's not that bad" Josie defended as she wrote something down, "mhm" Lizzie replied. The blonde readjusted her position so her head rested on her hands "all she does is take dad's attention away from us" she pointed out, Josie elected not to respond to the comment- Lizzie had been bad-mouthing the poor tribid all evening.

Truthfully, her rage had been much stronger today because of her recent relapse. Lizzie had a decent amount of frustration that she needed to release and Hope just so happened to be the victim of it all. "you know Dad thinks she's the golden child" she continued with her slander, "that's not true" Josie replied "keep telling yourself that but deep down you know the truth" Lizzie said. Quite frankly the brunette witch was getting sick of her words.

Josie looked at her phone "It's time for dinner" she pointed out thankful for being able to leave this situation; the girl stood up from the floor with Lizzie standing up as well. Josie left the room first with Lizzie quickly resuming her place next to her.

Whilst on their way they passed their dads office, Hope and Alaric were walking out of there together. "See" Lizzie whispered to Josie who merely shook her head, Hope eyed the blonde wearily however afterwards didn't give her so much as a second glance. "Hi daddy" Lizzie greeted her father with a smile- the twins paused to speak to their father. He placed a kiss on Lizzie's head "keeping out of trouble?" he joked as he placed his hand on Josie's shoulder, "of course" Lizzie replied.

With their greeting finished the trio headed to the dining hall.

Alaric left them shortly after they entered, both girls grabbed plates as they walked around to select food. Lizzie browsed the food before opting for a salad, she was half-way done putting on her food and then a certain witch came behind her. "Eating that much defeats the purpose of having a salad" Penelope commented- the blonde suddenly felt self-conscious, she placed the salad tongs down. Penelope laughed slightly "oh im just saying since if you're having a salad there's probably a certain reason but don't listen to me, its silly!" Penelope teased further.

The blonde witch felt her mouth get dry as she swiftly walked away, she walked over to where Josie had sitten down. "What'd Penelope say to you?" Josie couldn't help but question; she felt guilty because she was the reason Penelope was so nasty to her sister.

Lizzie shrugged before sitting down and placing her plate on the table, "just something dumb" Lizzie reassured the witch as she picked up her fork. Lizzie played with her salad for a few minutes as she stared at it disgustedly- maybe Penelope was right. "Lizzie?" Josie pulled her from her thoughts causing the girl to accidentally drop her fork, she had been so consumed by her own thoughts that the brunettes voice scared her. The fork dropped making a loud clatter which encited looks from around them, Lizzie blushed a deep red whilst everyone went back into their own worlds.

"Are you okay?" Josie questioned softly "why wouldn't i be?" Lizzie said a bit harsher than intended, Josie kept a brave face on. "You've barely touched your food" the witch pointed out and Lizzie groaned "what so you're the food police now?" she remarked.

"No but-" Josie began "but what?" Lizzie replied, the more reserved Saltzman didn't respond; "exactly so just leave me alone!" the blonde finally snapped at her sister. She stood up in annoyance as everyone's gazes turned on her yet again- she couldn't care less though right now.

The witch harshly grabbed her plate and walked over to the trash can as she proceeded to dump all the food in it, she stared at Josie the entire time whilst doing so.

Once the plate had been emptied she strolled over to Penelope, she practically slammed the plate down next to Penelope's food "is that empty enough for you?" she reamed. Penelope watched the girls antics in amusement knowing she had won her little game. Lizzie was angered with the witches response, she put her hand down on the table to siphon magic and in a split second the plate was on the floor, smashed into small pieces.

She didn't give Penelope another glance as she walked out.


*Lizzie's pov*

Fuck, guess who messed up yet again!

Suddenly i felt somebody bump into me, as i looked at the culprit it felt as though my day couldn't get any worse.

"I saw what happened back in the cafeteria, are you-" Hope tried to voice her concerns, not that i cared. "Finish that sentence and i'll make you wish you hadn't" i snapped "and stay the hell out of my way" i offered her a sarcastic smile.

With everything that i needed to say already said i walked away, satisfied. 'What gives her the right to pretend to care?' the thought took over my thought process as i walked back to my room.

As soon as i closed the door behind me tears rushed down my face, i had gone so long without an outburst and just because of Penelope stupid Park my streak was ruined!

I sat on the floor against my bed and pulled my legs into a criss-cross position, a comfort position. Dad was gonna be in here soon to make sure i wasn't destroying the whole room; you do it four times and suddenly you can't be trusted? stupid. Everything about this situation was stupid, stupid stupid stupid. I ran a hand through my hair as i waited for his arrival.

It was a few minutes until the door was opened, "Lizzie" he spoke as he looked at me. I gave a half smile upon seeing him, he walked over and sat beside me on the floor. "Wanna tell me what happened?" he questioned "Penelope Park happened" i informed him sourly, he gave me a look "you know im going to have to punish you if you don't tell me" he replied.

I refrained from rolling my eyes "she made some stupid comment" i mumbled; dad seemed to be okay with that answer as he nodded. "Have you been taking your meds?" that question irritated me, "dad!" i hastily said "Lizzie you know i have to ask".

"Just because i have an outburst it doesn't mean i haven't been taking my meds!" i justified, every feeling or outburst i had always seemed to link back to my mental ilness, could i never just be upset? obviously not. "Your mom would kill me if i didn't" Dad explained and i nodded, he was right however it still stung every time; "i've been taking them" i begrudgingly admitted. He seemed content with my answer.

He began stroking my hair, something he's done since i was a little kid whenever i would have meltdowns. "it's okay to make mistakes" he comforted "you know what i always say".

"We'll get them next time" "We'll get them next time"

"Exactly so don't beat yourself up over it" Dad reasurred, he gave me a pat on the shoulder before standing up. Of course he was already leaving- probably had to go talk to hope.

Dad gave me a sympathetic smile "don't stay up too late Lizzie, you have class in the morning" he said "Goodnight, i love you" he added, knowing that i probably wouldn't see him till tomorrow now. "Goodnight dad, i love you" i replied as he left.

I sighed when the door closed, left alone with my mind again.

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