Chapter eleven

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*Lizzie's pov*

I stared at the ceiling, it was dark now meaning I could barely make out it. I looked over at the small alarm clock sitting on my bedside table to see it was 01:38, I wish I could sleep but my mind seemed to trap me into consciousness.

What was wrong with me?

I've tried ignoring Hope for the past week and it's been dreadful; everytime i'm around her I feel...I feel weird!

Whenever I was around the tribid I seemed to deal with countless symptoms: a weird knot in my stomach, feeling flustered and the worst of it all was the rapid heartbeat that seemed to violently attack my chest. Was it possible for somebody to be allergic to a person? I think I was allergic to Hope or maybe i'm allergic to werewolves, who knows! definitely not me!

My eyes observed the blank ceiling taking in every detail- not that there was many, Josie was asleep as many were so I didn't want to make any noises. I let out a frustrated groan before quickly covering my mouth, staring at nothing was no solice for my active mind.

I quietly got out of bed and with the help of my phone torch I managed to find some shoes, I slipped the nearest shoes to me on and grabbed my coat, I was in my pyjamas but nobody was going to see me anyways. The coat was slipped on and now I was ready, I grabbed my phone and left the room.

My mind barely had to think as it brought me to my destination, the place i'd been so many times prior on sleepless nights. It hadn't gotten to this point in a long but whatever curse Hope put on me it was working, that's what it was! she had obviously put a curse on me when she had....well she did y'know what! of course she would do that; she was evil and this was proof.

A feeling of misery washed over me, she is powerful however there's no way she would be able to curse me. It seemed as if I was my own curse.

When the cold air hit in my face I felt a tad bit of relief, it didn't take me long for me to put my earphones in. I took my time in choosing what song to play- it wasn't as if there was a rush; I settled on august by Taylor Swift.

You could never go wrong with Taylor when you were feeling terrible.

The song started blasting in my ears which was an indication it was time to start running, I settled on a steady pace as I ran into the woods. 'But I can see us lost in the memory' it continued to play as I got further, this was one of the very few moments I felt bliss. There was nothing to bring me misery, no Hope to corrupt my mind and no Josie to constantly ask me if I was okay, I was free.

It wasn't long before the song finished and another began- 'how you get the girl' to be exact.

A few songs provailed before I could feel myself become short of breath, I stopped briefly to catch my brief. I mentally cursed myself when I realised that I forgot to bring water, it was fine I could get some when I get back I told myself.

After a few deep breaths my lungs had been restored.

I was about to continue with my jog when I heard the noise of somebody else, I froze at the sound. "Hello?" I could hear Hope's voice call out and that seemed to be all I needed to bolt out of there, my need for water seemed to be disregarded as I sprinted away. I prayed that she hadnt seen me, it was so dark outside so she'll probably think i'm just some wild animal or something.

She probably didn't even see me and if she did then she wouldn't even know it was me, it was fine!


*third person pov*

After last night's encounter with the tribid, Lizzie could not stop thinking about it. The blonde was sick of feeling these horrid feelings; she wanted them to be gone and she wanted them gone now.

Discomfort swarmed her when she realised the only person that would be able to help her was in fact Hope.

Lizzie stared down at her notes as she thought over her options, she tore a small part of her notebook out. Lizzie spent her time choosing the words she would write on it, she ended up writing 'my room 7pm, knock three times' simple yet effective message.

The small piece of paper was folded up and the blonde stared a few minutes trying to decide if she should do this, the knot in her stomach seemingly the final factor in deciding to do it. She looked behind her to see the hybrid diligently working on her work, she dropped the piece of paper on the floor behind her, close enough for Hope to be able to reach up.

Hope's brows furrowed at the paper, she placed her shoe over it and slid it towards her with her shoe. Hope leaned down and picked up the note "Lizzie you-" she was returning it to the witch, Lizzie looked back with a glare "are you stupid?" she questioned. The auburn stared at her in confusion "just read the note and don't speak to me" Lizzie grumbled as she turned back.

After the blonde returned back to her work Hope opened the note, she read it and the words did nothing to aid her confusion.

She guessed she would have to go to her room to figure out what she wanted.


Lizzie anxiously looked as the numbers changed on the clock, was Hope even going to show up? maybe she was mad at how Lizzie acted last week.



The time turned to 7pm on the dot and Lizzie stared at the door now instead, she gulped a little bit when she could've sworn it had been 5 extra minutes. The blonde looked back at the clock 19:03, only three minutes had gone by however still no sign of the girl.

She jolted a bit in surprise when she heard a knock at the door, all the anxiety seemed to be knocked out of her body once she heard the sound. "Who is it?" she called out "It's Hope" the girl responded, "sorry can't let you in" Lizzie shouted back.

"Why not?" Hope questioned "the real Hope would know how many times to knock" Lizzie informed her from the other side of the door; at this point she had stood up and made her way over to the door. "Lizzie let me in" Hope said "sorry I don't know who this is" Lizzie replied in entertainment, the blonde heard an annoyed sigh before the sound of three knocks were heard.

Lizzie swiftly opened the door with a smirk "well hello there Hope".

"Where's Josie?" Hope inquired as she looked around the room to see the brunette nowhere in sight, "she goes to the library to study at this time" Lizzie informed her. The witch closed the door behind the tribid "now come sit" Lizzie commanded gently.

Wanting to get the answers Hope sat on Josie's bed, she didn't want to invade the blonde's space. Lizzie sat opposite to the auburn haired girl "now i'm sure you're wondering why I called you for this super secret meeting" she began.

"If you could call it that" Hope mumbled, "silence" Lizzie told her.

"Back to what I was saying, this super secret meeting was called because of a major issue" the witch said, the words made Hope look at her in worry.

Lizzie took a deep breath before she said her next words; everything else seemed to be so easy to say- well besides these words. The blonde directed her gaze to her lap as she thought how to phrase what she had to say, "something is wrong with me...I think i'm broken".


Authors note

hey! i apologise for the lack of updates i've had no motivation, my exams are over now so i have over 2 months to write:) i hope everyone is having a good day and make sure to listen to taylor<3 (in my swiftie era)

Bloody tissues Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora