Chapter twelve

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*Hope's pov*

Lizzie stared at her lap before she spoke "something is wrong with me...I think i'm broken" she admitted embarrassed, a blush attacked her cheeks turning them into a bright pink almost. I was about to put my hand on her lap and then I reverted it swiftly, she probably wouldn't want me touching her- she doesn't even like me.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned as gently as possible; I watched as she gulped "I..dont know" she muttered, "how can you be 'broken' then? I inquired using quotation marks around 'broken'. Lizzie thought for a mere couple of seconds and then she looked up, "ever since we uhm...well you know what i've been cursed, you cursed me Hope" she spoke with anger in her voice.

I stared back at her in confusion, "don't do that! don't you dare do that!" she exclaimed. "I am not crazy! you did curse me and I don't know how but you did somehow!" she accused "then please explain" I replied, "everytime around you I feel this floaty feeling in my stomach and I get all warm and...and I get this weird sensation in my chest!" Lizzie confessed. Upon hearing her words my face softened and it felt as if the air had been knocked out of my lungs.

She liked me?

I couldn't hold myself back this time from placing my hand on her knee, "Lizzie...." I trailed off and she stared at me with frustration "what? tell me?" she demanded. My mind went blank as I tried to find the best words "I will set your ass on fire don't test m-" the blonde threatened.

"You have a crush on me!" I cut her off, there was no better way to tell her. Lizzie began laughing "Hope you don't have to lie" she informed me; her laughter continued until she noticed I wasn't.

"You're not joking?" she asked in disbelief "you're not joking" this time it was a statement. Tears seemed to well in the witches eye "I don't like girls I can't like girls" her voice sounded broken and there was a clear hint of pain behind the words, "I can't like you, Josie liked you so if I like you then that means she was right" she said outloud to herself.

Josie used to like me? I wanted to question however now didn't seem like the right time.

"I don't like girls" Lizzie repeated her earlier words, the tears had progressed and now they were rushing down her face.

*third person pov*

The tribid moved so she was sat beside the blonde, she wanted to try comfort her if that was possible. At this point Lizzie was sobbing and muttering things inbetween her cries; "this isn't me" she mumbled to herself before sniffling.

She looked up to Hope with her teary eyes, "I don't get it, I can't be...I can't be what you're trying to imply" she refused to say the word- it would make it feel more real. Hope looked back in understanding "you don't need to accept it right away Lizzie, it takes time" Hope attempted to soothe her distress.

Lizzie shook her head "I can't be that, i'm not allowed to be" she said, "why aren't you allowed to be?" Hope asked as she placed her free hand over the blonde's.

"Because Josie likes girls, if I like girls then i'm taking her spotlight again, it's what I always do" Lizzie's crying started back up after her words, "Lizzie you can't control this, it's not taking her spotlight" Hope responded "i'm such a horrible sister" the witch said.

Not even taking a second to think, the tribid encased Lizzie in a hug. "You're not a horrible sister nor a horrible person, Lizzie you are one of the most tender-hearted people to those you care about" Hope reassured whilst the blonde cried into her shoulder, Lizzie didn't have the energy to deny her hug- not that she would've if she had any energy to begin with.

Eventually after accepting the auburn haired girl's comfort she pulled away with a sniffle, "do you hate me now?" she asked Hope. "Why would I hate you Lizzie?" Hope asked in return "because I have a crush on you, don't you feel weird" Lizzie mumbled.

At this point the blonde had lowered her gaze once again, Hope gently placed her hand on the girl's chin and forced her to look her in the eyes.

"Lizzie I would never hate you for something like this" Hope began "plus I like you too" the second part was significantly quieter. Hope noticed Lizzie's expression after this "we don't have to date or anything if you don't want to! you don't even have to decide what to do right now!" Hope anxiously explained hastily.

The tribids hand had been removed from her chin so Lizzie nodded.

"Can I have some time to think about it?" Lizzie asked "of course you can, you can have all the time in the world" a cautious Hope replied- Lizzie laughed slightly at her panic. They were in silence for three minutes or so before Lizzie spoke up "Josie's going to be back soon" she pointed out.

"I'll leave now, if you think over the decision you can come and find me" Hope informed her, she was about to stand up however she didn't know what made her do it but she placed a kiss on the blonde's lips.

Blushes appeared on both of their faces "goodnight" Hope awkwardly spoke "goodnight" Lizzie mumbled.

With that the tribid left the blonde by herself.


*Lizzie's pov*

It had been three- no four hours since my conversation with Hope, the butterflies in my stomach resided whilst I thought about it. My mind was still puzzled over the event, did I like girls?

I had liked boys before of course! there was MG and there was...well there was MG, granted he was also my friend but it still counts?

My heart felt like it had stopped when the realisation hit me, I never liked him? I liked the idea of liking him, oh my god Hope was right. Of course Hope was right when is she not, she's always right.

The thought of being gay still didn't sit right with me yet, other people could be gay but it never seemed like something I was allowed to be. Josie was gay meaning I couldn't be because that would mean I was copying her, that would make me an attention seeker, maybe I was an attention seeker...

A sigh involuntarily escaped my lips as I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, It was beyond late by now. When I found the small piece of metal I couldn't help but just stare at it; I didn't actually want to hurt myself however I didn't know what else to do, I felt guilty for even considering doing it.

Hope would be so dissapointed.

I wanted to bash my head against the wall, since when did I let Hope Mikaelson dictate my actions? apparently now.

Oh god Hope Mikaelson what have you done to me.

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