8. Mystery of the Masked Man

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*The Kingdom of Viratnagar*

Avanti, the head-maid working at the resplendent palace of Viratnagar, hurried her way to the King and Queen's chamber.

It was quarter to ten, but the distressed woman was left with no option. She understood that her untoward interruption, at this hour of the night, would not be appreciated. Nonetheless, she had to break this agonising piece of news to their majesty. She was accompanied by a short, plump, and timid maid, Sheena, who pranced behind her in nervous anguish.

"Avanti Diya(Sister), do we really have to?" Sheena asked for the umpteenth time, forcing Avanti to turn around, to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Sheena, they deserve to know this," Avanti stated firmly,

"I am ready to face their wrath if I have to."

Sheena bit her tongue. She had no choice, but to gracefully accept orders from her superior. Shaking her head in defeat, she hesitantly scurried behind Avanti.

The door to the main chambers opened, where they were welcomed by a junior maid, a young boy, Sahil. Sahil showed them the way to the living room, where they nervously perched on two stools, beside the fireplace.

After quarter to an hour, the king and queen entered the living hall. The look on their faces wasn't pleasant. Hesitantly, they placed themselves on their comfortable armchairs.

The queen rubbed her palms.
"Avanti, this is not a proper time to hold talks," she rebuked coldly.

"I apologise, your majesties," Avanti bowed her heads sincerely,

"I am deeply ashamed of having to ask for your presence, at this hour, but I am bound by duty to inform you the news I come across."

The King waved his hand impatiently, signalling her to cut to the chase.

Avanti ignored a trembling Sheena beside her, and started, "It is about Avinash Sir," she revealed, "your majesty, he has been attacked."

"How?" The Queen cried out, as she rose to her feet in alarm.

The King raised an eyebrow, and passed a stern look at the queen.

The Queen quickly composed herself, and straightened her stance, "Avanti, you are not supposed to call him that," she admonished.

"Pardon me, your majesty, I meant to say, Prince Devansh has been attacked on his way back home."

"What happened?" the queen asked, attempting to hold herself together.

"His highness was attacked by....by "The Asurs"." Avanti stumbled.

Nobody spoke for a while. Avanti continued,

"While he was returning from an inspection, he was singled upon, and attacked mercilessly."

"How many? And where did they go?" the king asked, trying to keep a straight face, but Avanti could notice the hint of worry that had claimed his wrinkled face.

"There were three, two of them fled," she sighed, "But, one has been caught, our soldiers assert that he is a valuable catch."

The Queen shook her head nervously, and blurted out, "Is there any news of Shaurya's whereabouts?"

The entire room fell dead silent. With every second that passed, the Queen's hope dwindled.

"No, your majesty," Avanti shook her head, "We have been forbidden to place a call to him, the mission might get compromised."

"Do it right now." The king commanded with stern determination.

"Your M..Majesty?" Avanti shuddered at the precarious situation she was getting into.

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