4. Dream or a Memory?

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Khushi stepped inside her house with a soaked, soiled kurta and muddy jeans. She was accompanied by Shaurya who was staring at the nameplate of her house that wrote, "The Agarwal House : Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, Mrs. Meenakshi Agarwal." Khushi had decorated it with marigold flowers for the function.

"They aren't your real parents are they?" he asked.

Khushi was taken aback at the question but chose to evade it wisely. "None of your concerns," she replied and marched inside with her head high. She was sure she could hear a chuckle as he followed her inside the house.

 Khushi handed Shaurya a towel as he was dripping wet. He looked at her plainly.

 "I just don't want water all over my house," Khushi explained awkwardly.

"Right," he said in a bored tone, "Now where is the washroom?" he asked.

Khushi pointed to a corner of the house. He nodded as he rubbed his wet face with the towel and was about to head for the washroom when she spoke,


He gazed at her without any expressions.

"Thank you for the besan."

He waited.

"And....for the ride back home as well," she said softly with her eyes fixed on the floor.

"You will be related to Veer in a few days, so I did what I was supposed to. But next time, take an adult with you whenever you decide to venture through the deserted streets amidst a dangerous storm." Before Khushi could say anything in her defense, Shaurya had strode ahead for the washroom.

"I am an adult!" she gritted her teeth and hissed. "That man is so full of himself," Khushi complained to herself as she searched for her mother.

Suddenly she realized the unusual atmosphere in the house. The guests had left rendering the hall empty. Moreover she could hear voices and cries from a distant room. She glanced at the clock. Hours had passed since she went out for her fruitless shopping.

She rushed to the room as the voices got louder and angrier by the minute.

"My wedding.... mother, how will I attend my own wedding!" Meera howled as their mother wiped her tearstained face with a napkin.

Realization sunk into Khushi as she noticed Meera lay on her bed, crying inconsolably. A crepe bandage tightly rolled over her right ankle. A small peturbed crowd encircled Meera's bed which included her parents, Dhwani didi, Gollu, Veer, his maternal aunt and uncle Mrs. & Mr. Gupta, their daughter Sneha, Veer's friend Piyush and Veer's Dai Ma.

"How did this happen?" Khushi asked with concern.

"This is your fault!" Meera bawled pointing a finger at her, "I slipped in the kitchen and sprained my ankle! All because you didn't dry it properly enough...."

"How is this...."

"Did you do this on purpose, to ruin my wedding?" Meera accused scathingly.

"Are you even in your senses?" Khushi asked aghast.

"Stop talking, mom just tell her to stop talking!"


"Khushi," her mother intervened, "Where were you all this time?"

"I went to get the besan just like you asked, but it was raining and the shops were closed so I had to go till the temple to find a shop," Khushi explained in her defense.

"So it takes you hours to get a gram flour packet?"

"I told you it was raining and I was attac...." Khushi stopped, "Wait, what are you even implying?"

Beyond Love: The beginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang