3. Storm and Murderers

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Khushi walked as fast as she could on the empty roads of Sadhnapur. The rain had picked pace and had transformed into a vicious storm. The raging wind bit into her cold flesh and the downpour drenched her from top to bottom. The besan packet was dripping wet and the entire purpose of the difficult little trip she had underwent suddenly seemed pointless. 

As she struggled to walk over the muddy roads, a motorbike abruptly halted in front of her. Two other motorbikes were advancing at a rapid pace. Anxiety swamped Khushi as she quickly tried to dodge her way out.

"Hello there beautiful lady, may I give u a ride back home?" a man asked as he descended down his bike.

Khushi noticed that the rider reeked of alcohol. He had a huge bushy beard and an ugly scar on his cheek. But the most menacing feature were his empty cold lifeless eyes which promised danger. Without wasting any more time Khushi started to run. But she was stopped by the two other bikes who had reached dangerously close. 

"Where do you think you are going?" Mr. Danger and his alcoholic buddies were all on their feet now, and inched closer to her.

Khushi stepped back in alarm but didn't let the panic show.

"Get out of my way," she commanded with an unusual calmness in her voice. She had her hands behind her back tearing into the besan packet.

"Hardly," Mr. Danger held out his hand aiming for her kurta.

With her reflexes on peak, Khushi grabbed his arm with her left hand and twisted it painfully. Before anybody could react in shock, she had thrown the besan all over their faces in one swing of her right arm. The rain unfortunately washed the besan away fast, but Khushi by then had managed a quick but effective kick on Mr. Danger's groin. She heard a tortured scream as she bolted on the next instant. She couldn't wait to catch her breath as thudding footsteps behind her were audible. The heavy rain and deafening thunder only made matters worse as she almost tripped over the soaking roads. Somebody slipped behind her and for a moment the footsteps stopped to her relief.

She kept on running for a good five minutes before she paused to catch her breath. That is when she heard a door slam and before she could process, her arm was seized and she spun back in alarm. She was on the verge of landing a punch when her fist was grasped midway in air by firm hands.

"You! You are with the goons too?" Khushi gasped and struggled to free her hand from Shaurya's viselike grip.

Shaurya didn't look pleased with that accusation.

"Get in the car," he hissed urgently.

Khushi looked sideways to see a black Ferrari soaking in the rain.

"No!" she retorted back and tried to bite his arm but was viciously stopped. Sharya held her chin with his free hand and silently threatened to break her teeth, with that effortless grasp of his, if she didn't stop. 

"Don't even try," he warned.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?"

His eyes gleamed with amusement for a moment as he said, "Would you rather be kidnapped by those guys behind who are prime suspects for cold blooded murders on the run?"

Khushi's heart sank in panic as she saw those men nearing them, and even amidst the heavy rain she could tell Mr. Danger wanted vengeance.

Before she could think, she was hurried into the passenger seat by Shaurya. A fraction of second later, he slammed the accelerator after he fastened the seat belt for her. The car flew at an alarming speed blurring everything through the window.

Ten dreadful minutes passed like that but Khushi had relaxed a tad bit because the car was pacing in the direction of their house.

"They lost our track," Shaurya murmured finally.

Khushi sighed in relief.

"Thank you for the ride, I will manage from here," Khushi tugged at her seatbelt but was immediately warned against it.

"That's not how a kidnap works," he said with a straight-face.

"So I have to hit you down there too," Khushi faked a sigh.

"I did see your mini act of bravery back there, but you certainly don't realize you were extremely lucky."

"Are you going to stop the car or should I try my luck right now once again?" Khushi asked clearly annoyed.

"Keep quite foolish lady, you don't want to be followed by murderers right into your house where your sister's function is going on?"

Khushi's ego took a hit at being called 'foolish', but she didn't argue further because he was right by all means. She was already going to get an earful from her mother today.

Few more minutes of silence passed.

"Where is that old woman you were with at the temple?"

Shaurya's features went grim as he spoke, "None of your concerns."

"I have never seen you in this town before, and Veer never mentioned about having a cousin by your name."

"I should have probably let you fend for yourself."

Khushi was about to make a remark when the car slowed down and Shaurya looked at her with sincere warning in his eyes, "Do not get out," he stressed over each word, "I will be back in a minute." Khushi found herself nodding as he went out. In the back of her mind she felt safe with him. He definitely had a fair share of mysteries but he didn't give the feeling of a roadside hooligan after all.
A phone rang on the driver's seat catching Khushi's attention. He probably had left his phone in the backseat while in a hurry. She couldn't help reading the name that flashed, "Honey". So he was married? Or had a girlfriend? Khushi felt uncomfortable for some reason and looked away as Shaurya came back.

"Your phone was ringing," she said without bothering to look at him. Something landed on her lap, and Khushi looked hesitantly at it but soon it was surprise that took over.

"A besan packet?" she asked weakly.

"I know this is important for Veer's function," he said casually.


All I try is to bring a smile on your faces by my story:) I appreciate all my readers for taking their time out and giving my story a chance:)Do Vote & comment❤️
~Love RubyRed~

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