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"You're certain...?" he asked, glancing at my other kids then back to me. "You're welcome to have Merlin confirm, if you'd like," I commented, "But I can tell. This kid is yours. I don't know what you want to do with that information, and I won't tell Elizabeth or Tristan either. That's up to you. But, if you want to be a part of their life, I won't stop you. Zel's already prepared to raise them as his own, just so you know. As much shit as you've put him through, he's still planning to raise your child." Meliodas didn't know what to say, his expression was blank as he stared into space. "I'll tell Elizabeth and Tristan...and I want to be there for when they're born...and to be in their life..." he murmured. I sighed heavily, "Okay. But I'm not going to be there when you tell them. That's on you to deal with. How do you plan to be in their life though? You're the King of Liones and I'm not leaving my child here in Britannia, they'll be living in the demon realm with me and the rest of my kids," I told him, waiting for his answer.

"I'll come back to the demon realm and-" he started but Azriel interrupted, "And leave Aunt Elizabeth and Tristan behind? Do you not think they need you? What about being the King here?" Meliodas sighed, "Tristan is old enough and doesn't want much to do with me and Elizabeth will under-" Niya scowled at him, "Tristan is 12, Uncle Meliodas. He still needs you too. Aunt Elizabeth loves you, does that mean nothing to you?" Both my eldest children had been harboring anger at their Uncle since that day and were hounding him. I could see how tortured he was with trying to figure it out, "Azy, Niya. I think he gets it. Mel. You're a grown man and I won't tell you what to do, but think carefully about it and don't do anything rash. This child will be loved just the same as the first three, including by your brother. That's just the sort of man he is. We'll stay here for a few days, as long as Elizabeth lets us, then head back home. The baby will be born in about 3 months, if you need time to figure your shit out if you want to be around for their birth."

He nodded, standing up. "Thank you for telling me, Ali. I'd never forgive myself if I wasn't around for my kid." He left the room after that and I let out a big exhale, I hadn't been holding my breath but it certainly felt like it. "This is going to get messy. Maybe we should find somewhere else to stay?" I suggested, looking at the twins. Amaimon was in my lap babbling and playing with a stuffed demon we'd brought with us, I smiled down at him and playfully poked his belly, making him giggle. "Where else is there, Momma?" Azriel asked, ruffling Amaimon's hair. I pondered his question then sighed, "The only other place I can think of is the Boar Hat but I don't think that's a good idea. It's just going to be uncomfortable staying here once he tells Elizabeth and Tristan," I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I didn't spend a lot of time in Liones when I lived in Britannia."

Meliodas had left the door open and some familiar faces walked by, "Ali?! Is that you?!" I heard Howzer exclaim. He, Gil, and Griamore rushed into the room, making my twins jump in front of me with their swords drawn. "Easy, you two. They're friendly," I assured them. Their eyes were wide looking at us, I forgot they hadn't seen me in over a decade. Their lifespans were so short so a decade was a long time for them. "Wow, Ali! You have three kids, and one on the way?" Gil exclaimed. Griamore looked at Azriel closely then Amaimon, "Are we sure these two aren't just clones of Meliodas' brother?" I chuckled, knowing Azriel was giving him one of his Dad's scowls. "Don't be fooled, Azy may look just like Zeldris but his personality is all me," I admitted. "Howzer, Gil, Griamore, this is Azriel and Niya. They're my eldest, twins. I found out I was pregnant with them during the second Holy War," I introduced them.

"This bubbly little guy is Amaimon, he'll be a year old in 3 months. Just in time for this one to be born," I pointed at my stomach. "They're only a year apart? Isn't that exhausting? Zeldris could've waited a little while before-" Howzer started, his voice concerned. "I broke the news to Elizabeth. She didn't seem to react so I'm not sure how to take-" Meliodas walked in, his hands behind his head. "Meliodas! It's good to see you. Is everything alright with Elizabeth?" Gil asked, I forgot that his wife was Elizabeth's eldest sister, Margaret. Meliodas looked at me, I shrugged, I'd already come to terms with it, this was his burden to bear in Britannia. He walked over to me and pointed at my stomach, "Nothing's physically wrong with Elizabeth, but I just told her that's my kid."

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now