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Tristan had tears in his eyes, looking at us, "Do you have to go? My party isn't until tomorrow and Lancelot already left too..." My heart was breaking, I felt so bad for him. Guilt was in my chest, I knew it wasn't my fault but I couldn't help feeling that way. "Momma, can we stay until after the party tomorrow? It's just one more day, that way Tristan isn't sad anymore!" Azriel begged, pulling on my hand. "Lancelot is gone now, so Az is okay! We can go to Tristan's party and then go home!" Niya added on. All three of their pouty faces were breaking my will to leave. "Zel...what do we do? I'm afraid of what will happen if we stay another night..." I admitted in my head. I was adamant about not being alone with Meliodas for the reasons I'd already told Zeldris and Elizabeth but there was another that scared me the most, that I wouldn't be able to leave him again. I wasn't immune to whatever twisted bond that was between us, my willpower was just stronger because of the one I had with Zeldris.

"They really want to stay...but I won't make you," he responded, his voice seemed unsure of his words. "Zel. I'm serious. I'm not immune to this thing with him just because of what I have with you. I just have stronger willpower. I'm afraid if something happens...I won't be able to leave him again...I don't want to upset you but I want you to know why I'm so adamant about leaving and never coming back." I was staring at him as I spoke in my head and watched his face fall, making my heart hurt but it needed to be said. I needed him to understand just how serious this was. "Okay. We're leaving. If they end up being upset, they can be upset with me. I'm not losing you to him." I let out a sigh of relief, he finally understood at least. "You wouldn't lose me, Zel. You mean the world to me," I reassured him.

"I'm sorry Azy, we have to go now," I apologized, hoping he wouldn't get upset. He pouted but he was always pretty in tune with how others felt and could likely feel I wasn't comfortable here anymore. "Come on, Nini. We have a surprise for the two of you, but only if you don't throw a fit right now," Zel told her, grabbing her hand in his. "Okay Daddy!" she exclaimed. Any sort of surprise could easily sway them, but I wasn't sure what surprise he was talking about. The twins waved goodbye to Tristan then we made our way out of the castle and out of the city walls. Once we were far enough away, we were about to spread our wings when I heard my name, "Ali." Zel and I already knew he was there, we'd felt him, we just didn't know whether he was going to say anything. I turned around, "Hi, Mel," my voice was ice cold, emotionless. I had to shut any of my emotions out right now.

"Will you at least let me apologize and say goodbye? Since this is apparently the last time I'll ever see you again," his voice matched mine, just as cold and emotionless. "What does Uncle Meliodas mean, Momma?" Azriel looked up at me, confused, "Why won't you see him again?" I patted his head, "We won't be coming back to Britannia for a long time, Azy." Tears immediately welled in his red eyes, "It's because of me, isn't it?" I dropped to my knees in front of him and cupped his face in my hands, "No, baby. This has nothing to do with you. This is because of your Uncle and I...we can't be around each other or we'll hurt your Dad and Aunt," I explained, my voice quiet. "Is it because you still love each other?" he asked, his voice just as quiet.  Tears rolled down my own cheeks, "Yeah, baby. It is."

He frowned, "I'm sorry, Momma. Do you still love Dad though?" I nodded, "Very much so. He's my everything." He grinned at me, "Okay, good. I like Dad more than Uncle too." I saw Zel grinning at his son as I stood up. "I'm just going to say goodbye really quick, Zel. Then we can go," I told him. He nodded and took the twins to look at some flowers they'd never seen before. I walked over to Meliodas, who'd been watching from the edge of the treeline. I followed him in a little bit, just enough that we were camouflaged. "Mel...I'm sorry. I just can't do this. I'm sure Merlin explained everything to you..." I apologized softly. His eyes were sad, his voice just as soft as mine, "Yeah...she did. I didn't think it'd be this difficult but...I can't help it, Ali."

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now