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"Azy, don't run off again or I won't let you learn Full Counter at all," I scolded. His eyes widened, "Mom! You can't do that!" I crossed my arms, "I definitely can, and I'll kick your Uncle's ass if he does it behind my back too." Azriel sighed and relented, "Fine!" I looked at Meliodas, "So, does Tristan know you're a demon? I.e. that his Uncle is the Demon King and his cousins are half demon? I just want to know what we're heading into." He giggled, "I don't know that he fully realizes it but he does think I'm plotting to overthrow the kingdom with the Seven Deadly Sins." Ban cackled, "Ahh man! I wish I thought of that!!" I smirked, "Zel, want to play the big scary Demon King?" Ban, Meliodas, Azriel, and I looked at him expectantly, Azriel was super excited about playing a trick on his cousin.

"Pleeeeaaasssseeeee Dad! I wanna see what Zeldris the Executioner was like!!" Azriel begged his dad. Zeldris sighed, "Fine. Don't call me by my name, it's weird. BUT, only if your Mom plays the big scary vampiress." I grinned mischievously, "Deal!" Diane and King rolled their eyes, "You all are the worst! Poor Tristan!" Diane exclaimed. "Nini, do you want to help your Dad be super scary?" Zel asked, she'd grabbed his hand as we got closer to the castle. She looked up at him and grinned, "I'll help you, Daddy!" Diane sighed, "Elizabeth is going to be so mad." We walked through the castle and went to the throne room, where we'd been told Tristan and Elizabeth were.

Zeldris, Meliodas, Azriel, and Niya all activated their demonic powers. Azriel and Niya had very similar demon marks like their dad. Azriel's was in the same spot as Zel's and Niya's over the other eye like her Uncle. I made my fangs more pronounced and put on an evil face as we walked in the room. Elizabeth sighed when she saw us, knowing that Meliodas had roped us into his little charade to scare his son. Tristan ran up to us with a sword in hand, "Father! I know what you've been planning! You're going to overthrow the kingdom with your Seven Deadly Sins!" Meliodas gave him an evil grin, "So, you've found me out! Well son, I've brought the Demon King and the Vampire Queen to help me." Zeldris and I stepped up next to him, looking at him menacingly, "AND, the Demon Prince and Demon Princess are here to help too!" Azriel and Niya came up next to me and Zeldris, Azriel cackled evilly. "What are you gonna do against all of us?!" he taunted his cousin. Tristan cowered at the five of us, "Mooooommm!!" He ran behind Elizabeth.

"Meliodas!" she scolded her husband, we all started giggling as we returned to normal. Azriel ran up to Tristan, "Hi! I'm your cousin Azriel! Mom said your name is Tristan! You're a Prince, too?! Are you gonna be the King of Liones one day?! I'm gonna be the Demon King after my dad steps down!" Azriel was overwhelming his cousin who was still processing that we were all kidding. "Azy, slow down. You just scared the crap outta the poor kid, he's gonna need a minute," I scolded, grabbing my son's arm and pulling him away from his cousin. Gowther, Merlin, and Escanor had watched the entire thing so Gowther went up to Tristan, "Do you want your birthday present now, Tristan?" he asked him. The boy nodded, so Gowther gave him the best gift of all, the story of his father and the Seven Deadly Sins. He had tears in his eyes as he looked at his dad. Then he looked at me and frowned, I must've been included in the whole thing and he'd at least somewhat learned of my relationship with his Dad. He was a Momma's boy like Azriel, and didn't like that his Dad had loved a woman besides his Mom.

"Father, why is she here?" he asked as he glared at me. Meliodas frowned at him, "She's your Aunt Ali, Azriel and Niya's mom. Why wouldn't she be here?" As he said it, it dawned on him that Gowther must've shown him memories including me. "Ohhh. Tristan, that was a long time ago. There's nothing to worry about, I love your mother!" he assured his son, who started swinging his small sword at his dad. Meliodas easily blocked all his swings with his hand. "Look, your Aunt Ali loves your Uncle Zeldris very much and I love your mother, so chill out," he reassured him. Elizabeth bent down and hugged Tristan, "It's okay, Tristan! We're all friends, your father and I are very happy together." He relaxed after his mom hugged him then went over to his cousins.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now