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"Captain, what do we do-" Ban started to ask but Meliodas wasn't by his side. He was next to Zeldris and I, facing Gloxinia and Drole who'd just been attacked by Escanor. "Meliodas, you planned this the entire time, didn't you?" Gloxinia asked him. "Of course, I just didn't want the others to know. Escanor provided the perfect opportunity for us to attack," he replied. "Zeldris, I can't believe your loyalty wavered so easily. Was it thanks to this woman? Just like your older brother to betray the demon clan over sex," Gloxinia mocked, turning his attention to the dark haired brother. The fairy stared at me and seemingly read my mind, "Oh? You love both of them? And they know this? How very twisted, but vampires never were my favorite clan for exactly bizarre behaviors such as this." I spit on the ground in his direction, "Eat shit, fairy."

He chuckled and the fighting between the five of us commenced. The three of us had the upper hand despite Gloxinia constantly healing Drole and himself. It helped that Zeldris and I weren't trying to acclimate to lost power like Meliodas. "You two had such potential among the demon clan, each ex-leaders of the Ten Commandments and the sons of the Demon King, why side with the humans?" Gloxinia asked, "Do you intend to fight us to the death?" "I'd prefer not to but will if I have to," Meliodas responded. "You've made one vital mistake," Drole threatened, swallowing up the rest of the participants and taking them captive underground. "Shit," I cursed under my breath. "Cease this or they'll be killed," Drole commanded, but none of us listened as we continued attacking them.

Down below, a mage was projecting what was happening on the battlefield. "Sons of the Demon King? So they're not just demons but they're demon princes?" King asked to no one in particular. "The sole surviving vampire thanks to our Executioner letting you get away, not once but twice, should be more careful should she not? Do you not want to create more vampires?" Gloxinia asked me directly. "That doesn't matter to me. The only ties I have to being a vampire are my necessity to consume blood. The rest of my
allegiance lies with Meliodas and Zeldris," I answered, slashing at him with my sword. Gloxinia was determined to work mind games on the three of us, specifically Zeldris considering he was the newest to betraying his clan. "Does your dark haired lover know that you and the elder brother nearly had consensual relations 3,000 years ago, before he betrayed the demon clan? It was the day after they tested out your training, right?" Gloxinia stared at me before glancing at Zel.

He caught me off guard and I got distracted, looking at Zel, "Zel...it wasn't-" I started but he interrupted me. "I already know about that," he answered calmly, making my jaw drop. I didn't know why I expected that to be a secret considering he could hear my thoughts in times of heightened emotional states. Why did he never say anything? Ugh, I'm a horrible person. "Ali, watch out!" he yelled as I continued to space out, about to be hit by an attack that Meliodas countered for me. I snapped out of it and we continued fighting when suddenly, the rest of the Commandments showed up. "Oh no..." I whispered under my breath. The three of us were powerful but we had already been fighting, hadn't really rested well enough, and were still outnumbered. "Brothers! It's good to see you again," Estarossa laughed sinisterly. The Commandments launched an attack on Meliodas. I was still distracted by the realization that Zeldris had never said anything back then when I was hit by an attack from Estarossa, causing me to cough up blood. "Zel! Get Ali out of here!" Meliodas yelled at his younger brother.

Zeldris didn't hesitate, scooping me up and taking off. "No, Zel, please we can't leave him! He can't fight them all alone, please stop!" I was struggling as hard as I could against him but he didn't budge. "Ali, you're distracted. We can't protect you and fight them at the same time," he insisted, trying not to think about what he inevitably knew was going to happen to his brother. Tears were streaming down my face, "No!! Take me back! Zel, please!! I can't lose him like I lost you too! I just got you back, I can't, please!!" I was banging my fists on his back, I could see the Commandments unleashing relentless attacks on Meliodas. "Ali! Your safety is my priority. His priority! You know that!" Zel tried comforting me, but I was inconsolable. I knew what was going to happen, I had felt it coming.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang