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"Are you going to fight in the festival?" Ban asked me, resting his arm on top of my head. I slapped his arm away, "No, but I'll watch. I don't wanna kill anyone." I shrugged. He laughed at me, I was small but powerful. Obviously, he didn't know but I'd been trained by his Captain and was half-vampire, so unless I was pitted against him or Meliodas I didn't really want to fight anyone. "I've been meaning to ask. You're really close with Captain, that much is obvious, but he never mentioned you once since I've known him," Ban started, "Where have you been?" I sighed not wanting to have a repeat of what happened with Hawk, "Around Britannia. Our relationship is complicated and I was avoiding him for a long time." He frowned at my explanation, "What's so complicated about it? You either love each other or you don't." I whined in response in hopes he'd drop it but he wouldn't. "Look, if Elaine were still here nothing about it would be compli-"

I huffed, "We love other people Ban. We got involved with each other after shit went down because we needed comfort and then actual feelings developed and it's a mess. There's not even a guarantee I'd ever see the other person I love again but I feel immense guilt about my relationship with Meliodas and if he ever came back he'd never forgive me and I don't want to talk about it anymore." That opened a whole can of worms for Ban and he wasn't going to drop it. "What?! You can't just lay all that on me and not give a better explanation! Why would you even bother getting with Captain if there was a chance to resolve whatever the hell happened with the other guy? That seems pretty shitty of you and Captain to just give up so easily and I thi-" he started to argue but I was getting supremely irritated.

"You have no idea what Meliodas and I have been through so you don't get to have an opinion on it! It's been an extremely long ass time since I've seen him and there's a slim fucking chance he's coming back!" I yelled back at him. "If you love this mystery guy and he loves you, how could you just give up?! Why wouldn't he forgive you?!" Ban shouted back. He'd never understand the torment of waiting for someone to return after three millennia and I couldn't explain it without telling everyone everything and that wasn't happening. "BECAUSE MELIODAS IS HIS BROTHER! UGGGHHH!" I shouted, then punched him in the gut, sending him flying through the wall of the Boar Hat. I jumped out of the hole in the wall and took off running. I didn't want to be around anyone anymore. There's no doubt in my mind that the others fully heard our argument and I'd already said too much. It was just better to leave at this point.

"Captain. What the hell were you thinking?" Ban asked after Meliodas walked out of the hole in the wall to come after me. He looked at Ban with an eerily blank face, "She's right you know. You don't get to have an opinion on it if you don't know the full story." He started walking off in the direction I ran, "Are you going to enlighten us then?" Ban called out after him. Elizabeth, King, Diane, and Hawk were watching now. "It's not any of your business. I'll be back. Don't come after us, Captain's orders," he commanded, waving them off. Diane and Elizabeth looked at each other with worried faces while Ban and King silently seethed. The mystery was deepening and they weren't happy with all the secrets, despite the rules of the Sins. It was too off for them.

I ended up sprinting deep into a forest and found the first super tall tree I could find. I climbed to the highest branch that would support my weight and breathed in the cold air at the top. "Go away, Mel," I ordered grumpily as I heard him climbing up. He sat on the branch next to me, surprisingly it held. "You and I both know I'm not going to do that," he responded. "I fucked up. I'm sorry. This is why I didn't want to stay, why I don't want to get close to other people," I crossed my arms, I was raging on the inside. "All of the Sins have secrets from their pasts, they'll get over it. It's actually pretty hypocritical that they want to know about our past lives but haven't shared their own," his voice was emotionless, his old self shining through. I clenched my fists then shot down some of the trees with some darkness I conjured. He chuckled, "Feel better?" I smirked, "Only a little, though knocking Ban through the wall felt awesome." He smirked and put his arm around my waist.

Out for Blood [Zeldris x OC x Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now