The start to the end of a Dynasty.

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I took my family the chief and the king to the meeting tent. When there I explained everything.

"That Bitch! I'm Gonna Kill Her!" My dad, the chief, and the king growl.

"That bitch is my kill! Get your own!" Ravana states a matter of factly.

"You're all wrong she's mine!" I say. "Now let's talk about starting a new dynasty!" I say evilly. We schemed for a couple of hour and made the plan.

"The war begins at Dawn!" The king announced earning cheers from everyone.

"Well Astrid. Tell me. What did you do for fun while here?" Ravana asks. I just smirked. Her face immediately dropped at that.

"I'll show ya!" Is all I say.

"ASTRID! SLOW DOWN!" Ravana begs from on my back. I took her for a run in the forest. Even though it' been a while I still know this forest like the back of my paw.

"Did you have fun?" I ask. She glares at me.

"No! I saw my life flash before my eyes!" She says. The villagers laugh.

"I see she took you on one of her kiddy rides?!" Steve says. Laughing all the way through.

"KIDDY RIDES??! SHE DOES THAT TO CHILDREN?!?" Ravana says stunned. Causing more laughs from the village.

"Okay everyone lights out is soon! Be ready for Dawn!" I say. Everyone agrees and do their own thing. I went to head to my tent and was followed by a lost bat. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Preparing for lights out." She says. "Also remember someone I claim is getting ready to fight in a war against people who hurt her multiples of times and I won't be able to keep an eye on her!" She states her side. I sigh at her remarks.

"Fine. But No Funny Business!" I say. She listened and we fell asleep decently fast. I was the first one up so I made the battle breakfast.

"Food!" Everyone said as they rushed out as soon as I finished. The vampires looked confused. Except for the trio that lived w/ me. They rushed over.

"Hurry up I can't cook as fast as they eat!" I yell. The vampires took my advice and came over. They immediately looked like they were glad they did. I'm just glad I already had seconds cooking. I ate as I cooked.

"THANK YOU CHEF ASTRID!!" Everyone but the vampires says. They just thank me normally.

"Chef Astrid?" Ravana cocked an eyebrow.

"I don't want to talk about it." I say. Soon everybody was ready to fight. We got there in record time and attacked right away. I snuck in to get my sister and her mate. I soon picked up their scents and I lead me to a.... Meeting hall?

"So you finally came back for me!" The annoying voice I know as Everest exclaims.

"Sky! Sky! Where are you Sky!?" I ask looking for my sister not paying the royal any mind.

"Seriously?! Not even a glance!" She says.

"Hey bitch! Look at your fucking mate at least! That's the least you can do after you sent her to the fucking hospital!" April says steaming and coming out of nowhere.

"I would if my mate were here." I say coldly looking at her.

"It's seems you want to see your sister and her other mate more than me. Fine then. April bring them out." Everest says. I turn to see my sister and her mate walking out in COLLARS! After April snaps her fingers.

"What the hell did you do to them!?!" I ask.

"I kissed them both to activate the bond then put collars on them so that they know they can't leave." April says nonchalantly.


I howl and it's filled w/ sorrow and anger. I shift and so does Everest. Her pure white wolf seems to have a patch of black around his eye.

"Hello MATE!" He says. Sounding a bit pissed. "Let me go ahead and introduce myself! I'm Totum Lunam! Remember it well cause soon you'll be screaming my name!" He says as he pounces on me. I bite his snout and draw blood. He jumps back on me and shifts back to Everest. They do something to me that forces me to shift back to my human form.

"What the hell di-" I get cut off by Everest kissing me. I shove her off. I immediately start gagging. "Eww grows!" I say. This shock everyone else in the room.

"Wait you don't feel the bond still?!" She asks.

"No she doesn't! Why would she when she has me?!" We all turn to look at Ravana.

"Can you get my sister and her mate out of here please!" I says.

"Sure Astrid! Just stay safe baby!" She says.

"Why does that bitch know your name!? And why did you let her call you baby!?" Everest asks.

"Wait babe! Let my sister and her mate decide April's fate!" I say.

"Kill the Bitch for me sis! For me and my mate!" Sky screams. I nod. Then Ravana soon takes them away.

"Now do you guys get it? We never loved you and never will!" I say. They looked broken. I take this as an opportunity to end them and that's what I did. I walk to the balcony and yell "YOUR FUTURE QUEENS ARE DEAD! THE PRESENT ONES ARE GETTING TO OLD TO LEAD AND TO OLD TO RAISE NEW HEIRS! BOW TO US AND THE REST OF YOU SHALL SURVIVE!" I hold the 2 princesses severed heads for them to see. They all bowed nearly immediately.

After that we merged my former pack and the elven village together then fused them to the throne. They are now considered a royal pack. I've been trying to survive Ravana and Demona and my family isn't making it any easier!

"Come on just give me 1 grandkid!" My mom pleads.

"I think we should for her shakes!" Ravana adds.

"I will if you're the one pushing them out?" I ask her. My dad and sister laughs.

"Skylar! You bitch!" Yells Steve as he kicks the door opened. "You got my baby girl pregnant!" He yells grabbing Sky by the collar. Her eyes go wide w/ disbelief. While mom's goes wide w/ excitement.

"Sis? What did I say about protection?" I tease laughing at her. Dad joins me.

"Dad! Leave Sky alone!" Eleanor says. After that we congratulate them and life went on. Eventuality I gave in and got pregnant but w/ twins! I gave birth just fine now we're all living just fine.

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