A new race begins.

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I wake up early like every yr. I exit my tent and see my sister leaving hers as well.

"Morning sis!" I say.

"Morning!" She replies. We're walking to the center of the village talking when suddenly we were met w/

"Surprise!" The whole village w/ guests just appears out of nowhere.

"Wow guys! Did you even sleep?" I ask. Everyone laughed at that.

"Yes! We just got a bit less than normal!" The king says.We spent a decent time there having fun. The sun was beginning to rise. We said it was time for us to start to head out. They all escorted us to the village boundary line. We were about to shift and take off when we were suddenly distracted.

"Freeze!" A man in armor demands. "You 2 rouges are in violation of the treaty and must come w/ me to be brought to justice!" He says.

"I'm sorry but I think you're mistaken. These 2 are welcomed here. Actually you're the one trespassing break the treaty." The king states.

"I'm sorry your highness! But it was an order from my superiors. I have to do my job!" The strange man says.

'Get out of here Astrid!' Neo growls in my head. I looked at my sister and then the elves. They immediately understood. I took off. The guard yelled for me to stop but I didn't till...

"MINE!" Growled a big pure white wolf. This kicked me into over drive.

"MINE!" A smaller but not by much wolf said. They were going after my sister. I whipped around and got my sister. Then we took off. The elves were trying to buy us as much time as possible. But soon we heard 2 sets of paws chasing us. I grabbed my sister and yanked her down as I ducked. The wolves barely missed us. We were now running even harder than before. They were getting closer and more agitated and aggressive as we kept on.

"Leave us the fuck alone!" I yell.

"You're Fucking Mine! Wether you like it or not! Same w/ her and my sister!" The pure white wolf says.

"We're no ones! And wether you like ot or not we're not going to come to you!" I say, efficiently pissing them off. Suddenly everything went black.

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