Why does everyone want to be an Alpha!?

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It's been 3 months since the pack formed. We went from 15 minus me and my family to over a hundred. And we're still growing! While being leader I've had to do to Much Fucking Paperwork! My family laughs at me when I complain and the pack does to but then they try to comfort me.

"Alpha!" Raven an assassin that was part of the original 15 said.

"Yes!" I answer.

"Our spy say that there was another Alpha fight. W/ the original alpha winning." She reports.

"Why would you want to be an alpha!? To much paperwork!" I complain and she laughs.


We rushed to the border of the village. There we were met w/ like 5 different packs! And the royals!

"Oi the hell do you want!?" I say. The new packs look at me like they just saw a ghost.

"Are you really not gonna show us any respect!?" Everest ask.

"Bitch you don't fucking deserve respect! Now what the hell are you guys doing here!?" I ask again. I was going to move forward when Raven stopped me. I calmed down a bit more at her rubbing my back.



Everest growled and I immediately growled back. This cause the older royals and the new packs to look dumbfounded.

"YOU WILL NOT GROWL AT MY PACK MATE!" I yell she growls hearing me say mate.

"I wouldn't have growled at the slut if she had kept her hands off of you!" She says I growl again.

"Listen you little whore! You are not allowed to insult my fucking pack!" I say.

"Damn mutt don't you know you're talking to royalty! Show some respect!" Someone said I'm guessing an alpha. This caused Everest to growl.

"She's my mate you will not call her a fucking mutt!" Everest says.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not your mate!" I say everyone is shocked I said that minus my pack and family. Well I guess the village to.

"Listen can you guys please stop coming onto our land when it's not something important!" The Elvin King says.

"We're trying to get our mates! Isn't that important enough!?" They yell.

"They don't want you though move on!" The king states.

"Elves don't have mating bonds so it's no wonder why you don't understand." The wolf king says.

"Um actually the 2 wolves you're trying to get are actually very close to me! And one of them is mated to an elf. And I'm close to the elf too. So I think thay I have a decent understanding!" The Elven king says.

"Then how come our daughters don't have their mates!?" The wolf king counters.

"That's none of my business! And it's not yours either! That's between them!" The elven king states.

"I challenge you for the Alpha title!" One of the Alphas say.

"But you're already alpha of your own pack!?" I say.

"Yes but if you can't beat me I get your pack as well and then whose gonna but in and keep you from you mate!" He says.

"No one's keeping me from my mate! I just haven't found them yet!" I say. Now Everest and her sister look heartbroken. And everyone else is just flabbergasted.

*GROWLS* "THAT'S IT!" *GROWLS* Everest says growling. She howls and then there's a beam of light! Next thing I know I can no longer feel the pack link!

"What the hell did you do!?" I ask.

"That was me child." A melodic voice says. I look over to see a breath taking beautiful woman. Soon everyone but me, Sky, the elves, and Everest were kneeling.

"MOON GODDESS!" They all roar. I'm shock to say the least.

"Why did you cut my link?" I ask calmly. Everyone shifts uncomfortably at my direct approach.

"Because you should be focusing on your mate and your new responsibilities." She says.

"What mate?" I ask genuinely confused. Sensing that she seems puzzled.

"I know you don't feel the pull but doesn't your wolf?" She asks.

"My wolf feels like there's danger a threat to us and those we care about when they're around!" I say. This causes Everest to whine.

"Can you bring you wolf forth?" She asks. I went to get my wolf but she told me not to do it.

"I'm sorry but I can't seem to be able to!" I say making it seem like something was blocking me from bringing her forwards.

"That's strange. Are you sure you feel nothing but negativity towards Everest?" She asks. Everest looks up at me hopefully.

"To say the least I feel absolutely disgusted by her and hate her to the very core of my being." I say flatly.

"Oh my! That's not good! Maybe if you let her kiss you then things will change?!" She questions. Everest went to try and kiss me. I punched her in the gut. Stepped back then pulled my knife.

"I rather not." I say void of emotions.

"Listen child you have to try. I put you guys together for a reason." She says.

"I know you put us together. I'm actually shocked I haven't attacked you yet because of that."


Everyone gasped at what I said. Everest has now curled into the fetal position and has started bawling.

"You really despise her that much?" The Moon Goddess asks.

"Yes." I say w/o hesitation.

"Listen I'm sorry to hear that but I can't redo the bond." She says.

"Well I've tried to reject her multiple if times." I say. This makes Everest cry harder.

"That's not the reason. I can't because I've permanently mated your wolves." She says.

"Now it makes since!" I say. everyone looks at me confused. "That's how my wolf could alway sense them! Well I'm sure I can break the bond." I say relieved and happy.

"What do you mean?" The goddess asks.

"Simple! I'm pretty sure if I mate someone else and mark them and they accept me then this 'bond' will break!" I say.

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