Hide and Seek

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We stayed still for a moment. We were still shocked to see Astrid just stand up and the dogs calmed down. I went to see what she was doing when I was met w/ nothing!

"Hey do you know where she went!?" I ask Dorothy.

"What do you mean? Isn't she just outside?" She asked back. Her and Andrew both looked through the door and saw the same as me. Nothing!

"Where did she go?!" Andrew asked.

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked Dorothy!" I say rolling my eyes. We head out and start searching. We were out there looking for 3 hrs! When we got back she still wasn't there!

"Before you do some rash let's wait a while longer. Let's see how long she's gone for!" Dorothy states. I nod in agreement. 5 hours later she finally came back!

"And where were you?" I ask scaring her.

"Why haven't you've gone home?" Astrid asks.

"That's not an answer! Now where were you?" I repeat.


I go to back away after Ravana repeated herself only to be stopped by a wall w/ arms. I jump and scream.

"Ahh a wall w/ arms!" Then run upstairs. I check my hidden cams and see they're still there shocked at what I said. I took this as a chance to jump out my window and go for another run.

I was tired while on my run so I made a make shift borrow and slept. I slept longer than I intended. So I went back home to get in the shower. Hopefully they were gone by now. I barely stepped in the house when my body was frozen. AGAIN! Then brought in and the front door shut w/o anyone near.

"So where do you keep disappearing to?" Ravana asked. I didn't answer and just looked down. "Tsk tsk tsk! Puppy now we won't use our last methods of getting information. This time I'll do what I did last night!" Ravana informs. Suddenly Dorothy and Andrew are at her sides w/ chains and a belt!

"Really!? You already answered you're fucking question!" I yell tensing at the equipment. They looked confused. "Ugh what did you just call me!?" I question.

"Puppy?" Ravana answers questionably.

"Yeah connect the dots!" I say. They still don't get it. "I went on a run you fools!" I say. The realized they just asked a stupid question.

"Why didn't you say thay the first time?" Andrew asked.

"I thought Ravana got you guys in on something because of how I left. Then this is her turf so I didn't want to get spanked again!" I say. I can finally move again.

"How are you not tired then?" Ravana asked.

"I was but I took a nap on my last run." I say.

"Would pancakes and bacon w/ french toast make up for this?" Dorothy asked.

"That then you guys going home!" I say walking upstairs for my shower. When I got done the food was to. But the vampires were still there. I thanked Dorothy for the meal and dug in.

"Don't choke pup! The food's not going anywhere!" Ravana laughed.

"Just like you!" I countered. Dorothy laughed at that and Andrew giggled. Ravana chuckled. Which I'm starting to think is a bad sign.

"Looks like this puppy is actually a Feisty KITTY!" She says emphasizing the word kitty. Now Andrew and Dorothy are on the floor dying of laughter.

"Okay good one!" I say standing up and walking over to her. The 2 on the floor stopped laughing to see what I was gonna do. And Ravana tensed. "My little batsy watsy!" I say patting her on the head then walking away. I already knew I stunned the 3 vampires. Now it's time for me to hide so that I don't get countered.

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