No one messes w/ my family!

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They've been gone for 3 days now. I got a phone call but it was my secret phone. I immediately rushed to pick it up.

"Hello!" I say.

"Sweetheart! I'm so glad it's you!" Dad says.

"What took you guys so long!" I say.

"We weren't sure who we might get. You know royals can find a lot of stuff out." He says.

"Fair point." I say. "Whose all w/ you?" I ask.

"In the room is just your mom." He says w/ a hidden sadness I pick up.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He ask shock I realized.

"Come on I've been smart since young and had to grow up a bit faster to take care of myself and my sister. So tell me what's wrong." I say. He laughs a bit.

"True. Well April took your sister 2 days ago." He says.

"What!?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah. And they found Everest chained up. She barely survived. She's still in the hospital." He informs.

"Okay. But what happened w/ my sister?" I ask wanting more clarity.

"You've been gone for a while well like last week or so they found Everest. Her sister was greatly upset but she also felt like if her sister who is clearly stronger than her ended up like that. Then if she doesn't do something w/ her mates soon then the royal blood line will end." He tells.

"Wait so she took my sister and her mate so that she could rape them?!" I ask.

"I don't know about the rape part. But I do know they were immediately tranquilized and dragged off." He says.

"I'll be back!" I say and run outside.


"I'm back." I say coming back from my sorrow filled howling.

"We heard your howl." He says.

"Well anyways how are we gonna get her back?!" I ask.

"We?" He asks

"Yep. We. I'm coming back! If that bitch has done something to my sister and her mate then I'm going to be the one tl kill her!" I say seething.

"We'll tell you what we come up w/ when you get here. That way you can help w/ the planning." He says.

"Okay! I'll be there as soon as possible!" I say then hang up.

"Where are you going?" Ravana ask.

"I'm- Who are they and why are they in my house!?" I ask noticing a bunch of people I don't recognize behind Ravana.

"These are my clan members. Now where are you going!?" She ask again.

"The royal fucking bitches took my sister! I'm going to save her! Wanna come?" I say. She lights up at being invited.

"When do we leave?" Dorothy asks.

"As soon as we pack up. Also bring anyone and everyone you can. This is war now!" I say. I rush to pack. I moved so fast that I was done before they even moved. "Are you guys gonna pack?" I ask. They looked at me wide eyed.

"How did you move that fast!? You're a wolf!?!" Andrew asks.

"So? My sister and her mate are in danger!! Nows not the time to dilly dally!" I say. They rushed and was back packed and ready to go.

"Come on!" Ravana says.

"Whoa you beat in booking tickets!?" I asked surprised.

"Who needs tickets? We got our own private fleets." She says. She wasn't kidding! We left and got there w/ in a couple of hours. I told them to just follow me and they did.


"ASTRID!!" Everyone screamed then hugged me.

"Hey kiddo!" The king greets w/ the chief and my family next to him. "Um who are they?" He asks.

"Reinforcements!" I say w/ a smirk.

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