Now you see me now you don't

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Well I've been free for about 2 months. I found a job that had more humans then wolves. Because I can pick stuff up fast I got the job and was even promoted a couple of times. I make enough money that I send some of it to the village. Since I had to take care of the pack I made a bank account and have been putting the money in there.

'Hey I think we should move somewhere out of the royals reach.' Neo says.

'I do to I've been saving up so where to?' I ask.

'Somewhere where there snow all year round!' She says. I laugh at her excitement. I look for best ways to get there.

After a month I learnt as much as I could. I made 2 separate bank accounts. One was for my family, village, and pack! The other was for me so I could leave. I withdrew all my money and cancelled my account. I informed my job and got my last pay check already. I went by plane and got there in what seemed like no time at all. I got a secluded house and got what I needed.

"Hello there!" A sweet looking old lady greets.

"Hello!" I reply.

"Would you like some dogs?" She asked. She stepped aside revealing some well taken care of Huskies!

"How much are they?" I ask.

"$400" She replied.

"Is it really okay to sell them so cheap!?" I asked shocked

"Yes they were my husband's but sadly he's no longer here. I'm old and most likely don't have much time either. So I want to make sure they have a decent home before I'm gone!" She says sadly.

"If you want I can come visit you or you can come live w/ me that way you're not alone." I say warmly. She brightens up.

"Thank you deary! I would like that! Very much so! But I don't think I'll be moving in w/ how heavy my stuff is." She finish sadly.

"Nonsense! I'm sure I can do something!" I say. I shock her w/ how easily I can move things and get her moved in that day. We went to the market to buy what we needed. I offered to cook for her but she said she wanted to do something to repay me. The food she cooked was delicious! I asked her to teach me and showed her how I cook at breakfast the next day.

"Wow deary! This is actually better than mine!" She says.

"Really? I think yours is better!" I say.

"I can teach you some recipes." She says I nod excitedly.


A knock on the door distracts us. We wonder over to the door cautiously. Since I only really know the old lady and I live pretty far out it's suspicious to say the least.

"Hello?" I say opening the door. A tall man in a suit is standing there.

"Mutt! What are you-" he stops and looks at the old lady. "Dorothy what are you doing here?!" He asks. This man is a vampire and just called me a mutt! Then suddenly I smell another one but behind me. I turn but only see Dorothy. Whose name I just learned.

"Don't call her a mutt Andrew!" She says menacingly. I try to sneak off because 2 angry vampires is not the way I want to go out. "Where are you going deary?" She asks. I literally can not move! I gulped.

"I was gonna give you 2 some privacy!" I say.

"Andrew get Ravana! And bring her here!" Dorothy orders and the vampire does as told. "Now let's get you inside!" Dorothy says. 20 minutes pass and then there was a knock on the door. Dorothy opened the door and a Tall decently built woman walked in dressed in all black w/ dark red lips.

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