(Prologue) Trust

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After two months of patrolling, two months of school and admitting his feelings to one person he loves. Damian has been maintaining his focus on Remnant, but also on those who he cares about. Being with his friends and making sure he has time for Yang, all while keeping an eye on Vale with his partner. His friend, Silver.

However, Damian is still focusing on Ivo and project: Evolution.

So the two of them went back to Atlas to check on the results of their cure. Damian and Silver walk inside the building and see Penny working with her father on the vehicle they last saw.

Meanwhile, Nicky is working with his mother on the cure.

Penny(hugs Silver; to Silver): Salutations Silver. I have missed you so much. It has been too long since your last visit.

Silver: It's good to see you too.

Penny looks at Damian and hugs him.

Penny(to Damian): It's good to see you again Damian.

Damian: You too, Penny.

Nicky makes his way towards them.

Nicky: I was wondering when you two would return.

Damian and Nicky shake hands.

Damian: Been busy. How are things coming with the cure?

Elisa: Thanks to the data you sent, we've been making very good progress on the cure.

Pietro: Catch.

Damian catches an ammo clip made with blue bullets and shows it to Silver.

Silver: What're these?

Penny: After Damian explained your last encounter with Ivo's creations, we created bullets mixed in with the antidote and a few more gadgets.

Damian: Impressive work.

Elisa: Thank you. Unfortunately, we still haven't been able to counter the memory loss. But, as long as the soldiers don't reach the next two of phases of transformation, everything should be fine.

Damian: Next two phases?

Nicky: Yes. The first of course is the transformation which allows the user to be a little bit faster and stronger. However, they have a little bit of control over their actions.

Penny: The second phase is when they start to go more on impulse control. Relying more on their animal instincts and becoming faster and stronger than usual.

Damian: And the third phase.

Elisa: Full animal. They will not hesitate to kill you and the cure will have a strong effect, but--

Pietro: They'll lose all memory of what happened.

Damian: Time limit?

Elisa: Thirty minutes. Give or take.

Silver: Should be called De-evolution.

Damian: Yeah. Now, all we have to do is find them.

Nicky: That won't be easy. We've tracked Ivo and any of his friends, but no signs of them. It's as if they vanished.

Penny: So how exactly do we find a group of people who can't be found?

Damian: That's easy.

Silver: We wait.

This causes the others to be concerned and Damian who is smiling looks at Pietro and his latest invention.

Damian(walks to Pietro): This vehicle that you're working on. What is it?

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