Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide

Start from the beginning

Anywhere but here is fine. Anywhere away from the gossip is fine.

He hadn't mentioned the rumors to Deku—not yet, at least. Katsuki was well aware that his boyfriend was already dealing with his fair share of press issues, and even though the interview footage that'd been broadcasted from last week's fight had been censored on the big networks, bits and pieces of the rest of that unsolicited interrogation had appeared on gossip networks, and everyone—everyone—was narrowing in on that new name.

Bakugou Katsuki. Close contact with Bakugou Katsuki.

He'd ran to the bathroom upon learning about it. He'd hardly slept after the first murmurs of gossip had hit his ears. This week had been the worst test of his self-restraint that he'd ever had to endure—despite every small bit of slander whispered around him, even if the things he heard about Deku were nasty and downright wrong, Katsuki couldn't afford to say a damn word.

I can't let them know for sure. I can't... can't make it worse than it already is, for the good of both of us.

His bitten tongue grazed broken, bloody lips, and for as much as he tried to convince himself that everything was okay, the physical signs told him otherwise.

"At least we'll have the chance to brush up on studying tonight," Todoroki said, breaking him from his trance. "You said you needed help with scie—"


That's not a student talking.

"I need you to come with me for a bit," came the voice again, not scary or threatening, but firm nonetheless.


Katsuki would've rather died on the spot than face Aizawa, but this was the one situation that he figured he didn't have much of a choice in. He broke away from his friends on his own, waved them off, and managed to turn towards his teacher.

Still, he couldn't meet his eyes.

"We shouldn't be too long." Aizawa said to his friends, right over Katsuki's head. "Hopefully."

Katsuki told his friends to go on without him. That he'd meet back up with them afterwards. Then, he followed Aizawa, knowing they were off to the teacher's office without having to be told.

Don't be about Deku. Don't be about Deku. God, please, don't... don't ask me about Deku.

Aizawa had him sit on a small couch, offered him water, and sat across from him after dropping a small stack of papers in front of him alongside a small laptop. For as much as he wanted to believe everything was alright, though, Deku's name lay printed on several of the scattered papers, and nothing else had happened to warrant a private meeting with his teacher.

"Bakugou," Aizawa sighed, rubbing a hand over weary eyes. "This will be a lot easier if you're honest with me."

"Mm. Probably." Dry, empty. As if he'd given up before the question was even popped. But Aizawa only shook his head, let out a long, slow, tired sigh, like he wanted this conversation over as much as Katsuki didn't want it to start.

"If it's any consolation, nothing will be held against either of you by the school staff or his agency."

Either of you. Of us.

His teacher shuffled through the papers, then pulled a couple out with a nearly unnoticeable grimace. "You're dating Midoriya Izuku, better known as Pro Hero Valiant."

Katsuki stared at the tap water in his glass. Blinked. Nodded.

Guess it's easier to admit when someone else says it first.

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