Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous

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Summary: Pro Hero Valiant: big daddy energy in the sheets, big disaster energy in the streets

Clunk—the shut of the rarely-used bathroom stall doors.

Thump—the slipping off of the shirt over his head, followed soon by his belt and his pants.

Slam—a locker thrown closed, followed by...

"Dude, did you see the results for the last test? Ugh, I bombed it."

Ugh. Classmates.

"Man... I'm ready to sleep hard tonight. Today's practice had me all over the place."

"Wanna grab dinner tonight? They've got that Monday night special at the ramen place, y'know."

Talking, talking, talking. Just the usual locker room banter. Katsuki wasn't usually a huge conversationalist in these brief periods after practice, wanting to get in and out of sweaty costumes and into slightly better clothes before darting off to take a shower. He had no shame in changing in front of his classmates, especially after over two years of being in classes together, but the thought of them seeing the mess Deku had made of his whole body not a day ago?

Yeah. No thanks.

His classmates didn't need to see the bitemarks scattered over his chest, handprint-shaped bruises seared into his skin, or the long, still-red scratches littered across his back. Maybe they had gone a few more rounds the day after, maybe Deku had gotten a little wild with wanting to dig his nails and teeth into every part of him, and maybe he'd let loose on setting off small explosions against his boyfriend's scar-ridden body. In the moment, it'd all been good. Great. Absolutely wonderful.

Now, though...

"...hey, did you notice... out on the field today, Bakugou was kinda, uh... limping?"


Katsuki leaned back against the wall of the cramped bathroom stall, that very fear coming to light.

Guess they thought I left already. Probably don't realize I'm right here.

"Wasn't gonna say anything, but shit. He totally was."

Kaminari, shut up.

Interrupting would probably make it worse at this point, though, and some morbid part of Katsuki wanted to stay and listen to what his dwindling classmates were going to say.

"Think he finally got some? I mean, he was kinda mellowed out today. It'd make sense, dude."

"Yeah...!" Kaminari continued, echoing what he assumed was Sero's comment. "Man, who do you think did him like that? Bet it was someone strong, fucking him hard enough to do that kind of damage."

Why... why do you care...

"Doubt it was anyone in our class. Or, wait—dude. What if he scored a threesome with Camie and Yaomomo?"

Gross. Never. Katsuki shuddered, trying to keep from screaming as his skin crawled up his back. Thought everyone knew I wasn't into women, 'specially my best fucking friends.

"Nah, nah. Bakugou doesn't swing that way." Kaminari continued, all too freely. "Maybe class B? Ugh, but he never talks about them. Or—! Hold up, bro."

There was a small laugh, a low, gossipy murmur, and Katsuki had to hold his breath to hear every word that came next.

"He leaves campus all the time. Bet he met someone outside of U.A." Kaminari attempted to whisper. "Shit... man, it's a long shot, but what if he's got some pro hero ass after him?"

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