Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt

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Summary: :)

"I'll call you again after I get off from my internship today. And you're still up to doing order-in dinner and a movie tonight?"

"'Course I am! Ah, okay, I'll let you go." There was a brief pause from the other end of the phone. "Stay safe out there, okay? The crime rate's been fairly high this week."

"I'm telling you, I'll be just fine. I've got my provisional licence now, remember?"

"Oh, right. The provisional licence that you've had for a whole, what. Two days?"

"Three days! I've had it for three days."

"...okay, okay. I know you'll be fine. I, um... yeah. I'll see you later, Kacchan!"

"You too, Deku."

As always, there was a short moment for I love yous before the call ended, but not for the first time that week, Katsuki couldn't help the slight bit of frustration gnawing at him after hanging up. It wasn't as if he didn't know why– far from the opposite, really. Ever since they'd gone out to the amusement park two weeks ago, Deku had been jumpy as hell, checking in on him every day, even if it was only a text of are you doing okay? Everything safe at your internship? Are you safe?

"Are you done with your call?" Yaoyorozu asked, standing only a few feet away from him. They'd been waiting for Red Riot and Uravity to give them the go ahead for patrolling today for a few minutes, and in the short time they had, Katsuki figured he'd give Deku a ring to make sure their date plans were still in place for the evening. They'd met up a few times since the amusement park– once at the beach for a round of training (Katsuki wasn't about to let that routine go), once at Uravity and Red Riot's agency (Deku had come by to talk to his friends, but Katsuki wasn't so sure that his timing was a coincidence) and twice at Deku's apartment. Those easily stood to be his favorite moments– even if it was just a brief dinner or an hour or two to watch something, or just some time to make out and talk and explore a little more of each other. Katsuki found himself learning more and more each time their voices started getting quiet, teasing, curious– learned that Deku was an expert on knowing how and where to kiss to make him feel good, so good, learned that he was still more self-conscious than Katsuki would've liked about his scars, learned that Deku wasn't always perfect, either. He'd come to love those lips trailing down his neck, teasing at his collarbone, making bubbles rise up in his gut and his mind twist with pleasure.

Even so, something was different.

"Yeah, s'done." Katsuki sighed, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "I'm going over to his place after patrol today. I brought an overnight bag, so if I don't come back to the dorms tonight, that's where I'll be."

I just hope he's not so on edge tonight.

"Staying over, huh?" Yaoyorozu gave him a small smile. "I'm glad that you two have been able to do that, at least."

"Yeah, me too. I like it, he likes it..."

His voice trailed off, and Yaoyorozu seemed to notice something, shifting slightly towards him. "I, ah... I've been meaning to ask you, though. Is everything okay?"

"Okay?" He repeated, slightly confused. "I mean, neither of us are injured or sick or dying, so—"

"I was asking more in terms of how happy you two are." She said. "Maybe it's just me, but you... you've been looking a little more tired than usual over these past couple weeks. Did something happen?"

"No, no, nothing happened." Katsuki mumbled. "But... I dunno. He's just been acting weird."

That piqued her interest. "Weird? How so?"

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