Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion

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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Katsuki was trying his best to convince himself that the sound was just a part of his dreams. Something he could shake off, shut away, deal with later.

I'm tired. Go away.

But his phone kept ringing, kept buzzing, and all he could do was bury his head into his pillow and hope it'd stop.

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Really, though, it was past one in the afternoon, and on this day in particular– New Year's Eve– Katsuki knew that his friends had crafted plans of some sort for them. But, god.

Don't wanna move right now, don't wanna go anywhere right now, and I really, really don't wanna talk to anyone right now.

Some of the grounchiness was simply due to early-morning crabbiness, not helped by his oversleeping during winter break thus far. Yeah, yeah, his friends just wanted to plan something fun, but...

I only got back home late last night... I'm tired as shit.

They'd only left the ryokan around noon the day before, and on the ride back, Deku had suggested getting dinner and heading over to his place for a bit. And after having one of the best getaways of his life, Katsuki had found himself hard-pressed to turn down a little more. Last night had been dim lights, warm water, warm bodies, and of course, his boyfriend, looking sexier than Katsuki had ever remembered seeing him before. The brief continuation they'd had at Deku's place had been filled with much of the same, too– intense makeouts, not-so-innocent feeling-up, and low, suggestive whispers that'd only drawn them closer, closer. It'd been amazing. Incredible. Sensual– almost overwhelmingly so. Katsuki could still hardly believe that they'd done all of that, gotten so close for the night and so far away from all the worries holding them back. But something still nagged at the back of his mind. No matter how good last night had felt, it'd been more like—

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

"Holy shit, why won't you just...!" Katsuki hissed at his phone, but finally grabbed and shoved it against his ear if for no other reason than to shut the damn thing off. "Camie, I swear to god—"

"...uh, Kacchan?"


"Shoot, sorry, did I wake you up?" Deku's voice dipped to a worried wobble, near bordering on panic. "Ah, my bad, I—"

"S'fine, it's fine." Katsuki sighed, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. "Did you need something?"

"Oh, ah..." His boyfriend paused. "Well, I just, uh... wanted to ask how you were feeling. That's, um, that's all. If that's okay."

When Katsuki didn't immediately reply, Deku continued. "Just cause like, it's pretty normal to wanna see how someone's doing after a trip like we had? I-I don't wanna be pushy, but I noticed you seemed a bit off for a while, and I—"

"I'm fine." I know why he's asking, but... "Promise. Kinda, uh, sore. But that's all."


"You fucked my neck up, Deku." Katsuki mumbled, yet couldn't stop the slight tingle of thrill down his spine. "I haven't gotten to look in a mirror yet, but you bet your ass I feel it."

"...o-oh. Well, ah... you looked really hot last night. When you let me, uh. Do that."

He sounds so much more nervous than he did before... guess I'm not the only one, huh?

"Wanna see what it looks like?"

"Oh my god, yes."

At the very least, they weren't on the topic of I was worried about you anymore. And Katsuki knew bringing up the physical aspect of their relationship would be a fairly effective way to shut things up right now.

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